11 November 2018 – Meaning
- By Steven North
- In Musings
November 11, 2018 is a very important day in the year of 2018. In fact, November 11 is one of the most powerful days in the history of humanity. It is a remembrance of the guns going silent on the Western Front after four years of continuous warfare. In November of 1918, the Germans requested an armistice (suspension of fighting) to secure a peace settlement with the allies and they accepted the terms that amounted to the unconditional surrender that occurred at 11 AM.
On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month obtained a specific significance in the post-war years. It is the moment when the hostilities ceased and became universally known as "remembrance day" to remember all of those that had died in the war. This battle left millions of people dead with many graves (approximately 1/3) remain unknown.
The 2018 date is the 100th anniversary of the Armistice which ended the First World War (1914-18).
You can explore more about Remembrance Day on the Australian War Memorial site.
Spiritual Beliefs & Gateways
Joanne from Sacred Scribes writes: "Many people associate the repeating 1111 with a ‘wake-up call’, a ‘Code of Activation’ and/or an ‘Awakening Code’, or ‘Code of Consciousness’. It can also be seen as a key to unlock the subconscious mind, and reminds us that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience, rather than physical beings embarking upon spiritual experiences."
According to the belief systems of Numerology, November 11 is a very powerful day because of this 11th day of the 11th month that the series of numbers itself creates a powerful energy for the day that allows us to awaken to new potentials.
Numbers are the Universal language offered by the deity to humans as confirmation of the truth. – St. Augustine of Hippo (A.D. 354 – 430)
They say that on this day that new awakenings, new information and new levels of enlightenment are all possible because of this said day. Yet, with all this being written, said and done, is all of it actually real? Everything that I've been coming across lately is something that I have been questioning. Before I explain my theory, i thought I would include one more thing.
Other websites write that the 11:11:11 (11 = 2018 (2+0+1+8 = 11)) days with these numerology based values have specific meanings such as Gateways. This 11:11:11 Gateway is amplifying, travelling through cosmic gateway activation and that that this year, being an 11 is an Ascension Year and there are MANY websites on the internet that write about this thing. There's always someone writing about some gateway, once a month. You can Google Search this for further information.
Numbers have a way of taking a man by the hand and leading him down the path of reason. – Pythagoras
My Own Experience
Today has been a very quiet day for me and one that is filled with resting as it's been a busy week physically. The baseball has started here in Australia and went down to be the Mascot for the Perth Heat Baseball. Also went hiking to Piesse Brook in Kalamunda and my body is feeling that!
Whilst working on the website to try and increase the speed of it, I heard from Rachael Te Wano who sat down with Australian Aboriginal Elder, Aunty Violet and she told me of the experience that she had and it was a very beautiful experience. Prior to speaking on the phone to Rachael, I was on the computer and then decided to go out the back and spend time with Amy North. To focus more on the information flow between us so that I can write her words (it's not as if I can't but this is so that I can her to take over) without myself going into doubt. Doubt is a big party stopper and this needs to go.
When Rachael and I were speaking on the phone, I could see things, could feel things and we were doing something as I began walking in a figure 8 symbol and mentioned it. I have begun to learn when speaking with Rachael that if I get a thought, i need to mention it, not because of my sanity but because it means something and she guided me through a meditation that led me to clear three realities of mine.
The total number of minds in the universe is one. - Erwin Schrodinger
Since I've returned from the trip to the US, I've been feeling some sort of loneliness and a bit down but as Rachael explained, the feeling of being down is normal for when people go on holiday as they get back and begin to think "Well, what now?" as they begin to return to their normal routine. Which is pretty much happening with me right now, I'm asking myself "what now!".
So today has been a interesting day because there was some stuff that occurred, when on the phone and spending time with Amy but also feeling very tired and lethargic, mentally, emotionally and physically.
My Own Theory
In 46 BC, Julius Caesar introduced a reform to the Roman Calendar that took effect on 1 January 45 BC and was used in the Roman World, most of Europe, European settlements in the Americas and elsewhere prior to being replaced by the Gregorian calendar in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII. Thus, today, is 11/11/2018 according to the Gregorian calendar and 29/10/2018 on the Julian Calendar.
I'm not entirely sold on the idea that at a given date in time, there will be an awakening, there will be an ascension, there will be X, Y or X as humanity has not been recording dates since the beginning of the creation of the planet. Time (according to the calendar) is only a measurement and there existed a calendar prior to the one that we currently use. I believe that this is up to the individual and their own experience, their own life path, that their own awakening is planned in accordance with their own soul & life journeys.
Having said all that...
- Today being the 11/11/2018 (Gregorian) in Numerology equates to 11/11/11 : where 11 is a Master number & 2018 is 2+0+1+8 = 11.
- Today being the 29/10/2018 (Julian) in Numerology equates to 11/1/11 : 2+9 = 11 & 11. 1+0 = 1 & 2+0+1+8 = 11.
No matter what, after saying all that, today has a whole series of 1's in it and if you read numerology, angel numbers or any other form of numerology, it is going to say that today has some form of significant energy. I do not think it is going to be "ascension into the fifth dimension" as some say, I do not think it is going to be something outlandish as "ancient aliens coming to Earth" but what I do know is that some how, something is going to happen that causes a form of reality shifting for those that are open to it.
Perhaps this is what it means to "awaken" where you see the very fabric of reality shifting and you no longer see the curtain but can see beyond and that's when you begin to realise that nothing is as it is and nothing will ever be the same. Would the telephone call with Rachael have occurred on any other day and picked up on the figure 8? I don't know...
I do think that we do not understand the full potential of the universe and how it is able to orchestrate things, that in a very specific moment, something may or may not happen. What I do know is that there is an unlimited amount of potential available and it is those moments that it allows the space for something to occur and it is within that space the miracles can happen. We are the creators of miracles because we are living on a planet, in a universe and we can experience life in all of its glory. That is what I think matters most. Life!
God may not play dice with the universe, but something strange is going on with the prime numbers. - Paul Erdos
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