Ancient Conflicts, Memories & Ukraine
- By Steven North
- In News & Updates
I've been struggling to write this one as I've been significantly impacted by the War of Ukraine and at times, overwhelmed with emotions observing the international level of unity. I've been spending almost every moment of the day following the people of Ukraine, their experiences and the updates.
Throughout history, there have been conflicts that we know of and then there are conflicts that not many know about and this devastating experience in Ukraine has been an intensive trigger for me. Not only did it break my heart apart but a lot of cellular memories surfaced, especially as I've been sensing something rather familiar.
This War on Ukraine impacted me that much that I seriously considered joining the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine. Although when travelling the US in 2018, I did not want to hold a gun, let alone fire one when at a Gun Range in Pittsburgh. Therefore, this was something that I really needed to understand. It also turns out it is not legal for Australian's to enlist into another countries military, so it wasn't going to happen but the emotions to go was there.
I'm very grateful for the friends that I have as we spoke deep into the night regarding these emotions of what was surfacing and realised it was past memories from different lifetimes where I did go and fight in war. One friend had a visit from Amy and she describes Amy being so strong, it was as if she was physically in the room. This talk was when I realised it was the Melchizedek memories surfacing and that familiarity sense was realised.
Another friend had a visit from Amy and she too explained the wounds from lifetimes of war and Amy explained that this time, the story has to go differently and for me, it has to not be on the physical front as it was before but a higher consciousness level. That is, in this life, it is what I'm connected with and need to let the old move through me as there is a different way. Amy has a point. I will also state that she said that this experience is not easy to witness on her side either, lots of Spirit Guides are working hard to send healing and bring balance to the planet so that the lesson can be learned, remembered and not repeated.
What are these ancient memories surfacing within?
The Memories
The First Battle of Power
The first battle on this planet happened so long ago that there is no record of it, it was during the time of procreation of this planet that we call Earth. It was a battle between Lightworkers & Energy Workers but what happened?
Energy workers were created by Lightworkers and they were placed as guardians, whilst the procreators went off and did what they needed to do. They created Energy workers in their own liking so that they can keep an eye on the planet and keep it in balance. These Energy workers went into ego at some point and decided to battle, they decided that they own the planet and that battle created the first negative scream which drew in the darkness. It is through these Energy workers that the darkness came. These Energy workers are on the very negative side of manipulation and with them, there is no wrong, there's no right but they do have quite a dislike for Lightworkers.
The very first battle on the planet was about power, control & ownership.
The Memories
The Fall of Atlantis
As mentioned above, the Melchizedek memories are very strong, these connect to the fall of the Atlantean period in the planets history prior to sinking into survival consciousness. There were small groups of survivors from this great catastrophe such as the Ancient Tibetans but when in survival, the past becomes forgotten. The Melchizedek also went through the same experience that we are witnessing today.
Now, a long time ago, if we take the planet Earth, for instance, you know that it was on the brink of whether the darkness controls it or the light controls it. Now you have more light than you do dark but it doesn’t appear that way at times but it is the case. That is why so much exposure is going on with all those dark bits and pieces which will continue to happen and more corruption will be found and you know what we’re talking about. We’re just jogging your memory, you already know all of this.
It's been explained to me that when I arrived to this planet (I'm referring to my consciousness, soul is another word for it) it was as a delegation to support and help the people of Earth, to fight my own kind and beg them to come back into the light. Unfortunately, they didn't want too and the result was being trapped and unable to leave as portals, vortexes and energies were closed. What's quite fascinating is that this period in time is documented in the Book of Genesis, albeit very generically.
The point first, is to fight the battle between the dark and the light, we’d like to say about this, you have been a warrior many times and in many lifetimes, not just the lifetimes you’ve had on planet earth either. You also understand deep within you that being a warrior isn’t the answer. That you have learned, however, you have been willing to be a warrior, in other words to speak your truth, to be persecuted as a result of that, to work tirelessly, to save MANY from ignorance, so you have done a lot in that regard and these are memories that haunt you at times. Many have had to fight for the truth, many have had to protect their loved ones and bear witness to great darkness as a result of that and that is what you have done.
What destroyed Atlantis were sounds, there was some nuclear element to it that scientists will one day discover that there was some sort of nuclear disaster upon the planet a long time ago, this was the time of Atlantis, in some parts of it. Atlantis was not just one area of the planet, it was an era, not an area. The whole planet was Atlantis, the same with Lemuria.
What's also interesting is the lineage of my bloodline originates from this time, the book of Genesis talks about, and it depends on which version you read, giants taking humans as wives. This was not the case. Thus, it makes sense as to why the cells of the body have started surfacing memories.
You did not choose to remain here. That’s a bit of an internal fight for you as well… “WHAT AM I DOING HERE?” Yes? You’ve said that many times. Well, you were trapped, you couldn’t get away, you came to bear witness, to save the planet basically. To be a witness to the darkness and you got trapped, unfortunately and the only way that you could get off is to spread enlightenment to fight that battle and to stop the darkness from taking over, which you did, you have participated in it, you are a part of that success. Be proud of that, you have finally achieved what you came to achieve, there are many that understand the truth as to what is going on and they may not understand the dark and the light battle but they understand the greed, they understand the element of control, the lies, deceit. The humans do not understand that which is outside of their world and it is hard to perceive, but they can perceive the lying, the greedy, the possessive, the power hungry.
You can read the full transcript of this here.
So when I said something felt familiar, it surfaced something deep within me and thank goodness for Amy's support. My heart aches for all involved that are fighting for their freedom, for their survival, for their sovereignty.
When watching countries come to the aid, it has left me feeling emotional and the moving speech by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen who said “So [there are] many topics where we work very closely together and indeed over time, they belong to us. They are one of us and we want them in,” .
Last night, I even discovered that the group of gamers that I play an online game with are based in Ukraine and had a brief discussion with them as to how they are going.
Is this the beginning of a new era of unity?
Thank you for taking the time to reading this and let us all stand united against these horrific acts of terrorism that the beautiful people of Ukraine are facing, together as one.
Support Ukraine
If you are in a position to give support, there are many avenues to support Ukraine as many other companies are. There's multiple websites but to make it easier, here's a few links.
- UNICEF Ukraine Emergency Appeal - Ukraine Emergency Appeal - UNICEF Australia (UNICEF is urgently ramping up efforts to deliver aid to hundreds of thousands of children and families whose lives hang in the balance.) - VISA said they would double all donations to UNICEF. Unsure if that is only to UNICEF USA or Globally.
- Come back alive – How to help the Ukrainian Army ( (works directly with the command and personnel of military units, purchasing infrared thermal imaging cameras, night vision goggles, hemostatics etc)
- BANK: - Donate to the fund of the National Bank of Ukraine – Official website of Ukraine (The National Bank of Ukraine has decided to open a special fundraising account to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.)
- BANK: - Help Ukraine in the war with Russia ( (Easiest way to donate, The funds are collected at a unified account in the National Bank of Ukraine, which has been created for the support of the Ukrainian army.)
- Australian Red Cross - Act for humanity | Australian Red Cross (actively working with its Ukrainian Red Cross partner to assist people caught in the armed conflict.)
- Ukraine Humanitarian Fund - Ukraine Humanitarian Fund • UN Crisis Relief (a United Nations-run fund that contributes directly and immediately to a wide range of partner organisations at the front lines so funding reaches the people most in need)
- Mission Without Borders - MWB Australia (an organisation focused on assisting families in Eastern Europe. It is calling for support to send food parcels and other urgent supplies to Ukrainians in need.)
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- by Steven North
- in News & Updates