Judgement & Opinions
- By Steven North
- In Musings

In 2018, part of the 3 month trip to the United States, I spent some time in Sarasota, Florida and stayed with the lovely Dr. Janet Smith Warfield. I had a wonderful time and we ventured to Tampa, Florida to join in a retreat, experienced the devastating & toxic red tide as well as visited the Fountain of Youth. At the time, right throughout all the news, was about the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. During this four-day hearing on September 4-7 2018, he was accused of sexually assaulting someone 36 years prior to the nomination. It was an experience I don't think I could forget, what was meant to be a job interview turned into something completely different for Kavanaugh but the uproar that this brought on all over the United States was quite remarkable.
There were riots in the street and hundreds were arrested in Washington, women spoke about sexual assault with the message 'It's time for women to be heard'. Senator Flake was confronted in the lift at the nomination hearing and described to him their experiences of being sexually assaulted. This may have had an impact on him as he later insisted that an FBI inquiry be held to advance the nomination further. This experience, sitting with Dr. Janet Smith Warfield who is a lawyer, gave me a much deeper insight & understanding as to what was happening.
What I was witnessing, was a huge trauma being awakened within the United States and it tore the country apart. Earlier this year (2020), the movie Bombshell starring Margot Robbie, Charlize Theron & Nicole Kidman came out in the cinemas and is based on the true story of Sexual Harassment within Fox News. There is also the Me Too Movement that is about Sexual Harassment and speaking out to make people who have been victims of sexual abuse no longer think that they're on their own. These movements are making a stand against sexual harassment, assault and misconduct, the message is, that it will no longer be tolerated.
However, this article is about Judgement & Opinions and not about sexual discrimination. Having said that, I am not a person that condones any form of sexual harassment or assault towards anything. I do not appreciate how men talk about women in derogatory ways and the same for women talking about men. How can we talk about a world united in love if we're going to point fingers and blame people based on Judgement & Opinions.
The Kavanaugh Experience
Getting back to the Kavanaugh experience, what I witnessed was an entire nation torn into two and how teenage shenanigans screamed to the surface many years later and were the entire focus of a single nomination. These single actions did a lot of damage, not just to his career to him personally. His family went through an ordeal. What was culturally accepted in the past, is no longer tolerated today. This made me think of the stupid things I did as a teenager. In fact, I began to worry about it, as things that were experienced many years ago could be used against one today.
The story that was being surfaced was how teenage boys, who were being delinquent, trying to fit in with one another, performed various acts. In truth, it's very hard for a young male to grow up and stay truthful to who he is, a lot of male friends turn against each other. They say things like "You're not a real male, you're this, you're that" and as a result, they don't feel like they fit in. This energy of integrity, honesty and spirit of man is lost in these moments unless they say no. The truth of the male energy brings honesty, integrity, security, protection, creativity, invention. It's not being represented in this manner at all. The question is, how would a teenage male know this? In the young male culture (as portrayed in cinematic movies & porn) there is a college/frat party mentality. There are dating apps such as Tinder and Tumblr that have contributed towards a 'fast food intimacy' culture.
What I began to observe with the Kavanaugh experience, was how all of a sudden, it felt like judgement had already been made. That everyone had declared the person as guilty and that although people have grown and changed; they were guilty and should be ashamed and not hold positions of authority. The personalities & media that reported on this throughout the days were providing their own opinions and it was a very powerful and profound experience.
This is such a sensitive topic to write about, sexual assault feels like a taboo topic to talk about, the emotional feelings of shame, guilt, fear of not being believed, fear of being blamed, fear of punishment or reprisal and other traumatic reasons. There's more in the paper: Why Don't They Tell? Teens and Sexual Assault Disclosure
On the other side of this experience, there was also the judgement made on Christine Blasey Ford's and that there is also a culture to blame women. In an opinion article by Rebecca Solnit, she presents how we still blame women for the sins of men.
We know that women have been portrayed, ever since Eve offered Adam an apple, as temptresses, more responsible for men’s acts than men themselves are, and that various religions still inculcate this view, and in recent times various judges and journalists have acceded to it, even blaming female children for “seducing” their adult abuser. ~ Rebecca Solnit
The truth of the female energy is not represented on this planet either. Feminine energy is suppressed, oppressed, beaten, sold, undervalued; and this means that all the feminine energies feel this, it is their common link. For women, there is a stronger situation because they not only battle with self-worth within themselves but the oppression within their DNA. This is changing, this is what I was able to see surface as a result of the Kavanaugh experience. Although, both the male aspect and the female in this scenario were judged, the truth needed to surface; but so many of us were quick to judge, condemn and blame others based on a perceived perspective.
When looking at the whole experience rather than just one experience of either party, the whole experience as a collective is the surfacing of a wound. The acknowledgement that what we've done in the past is no longer acceptable and that as a civilisation, there is evolution. Although chaos broke out, although blame, judgement and condemnation was made, there was an intensive healing experience as many stepped forward thanks to the nomination that brought change to the world.
Trying to express this experience in text has proven to be challenging, there is fear of judgement but it is a perfect example of how Judgement & Opinions have a profound impact on the world.
If you have been a victim of Sexual Assault in Australia, here are a few links to report it.
- Reporting a Sexual Assault - HealthDirect.gov.au
- What to do if you want to report sexual assault to the police - Healthy WA, Department of Health
The Coronavirus
The Coronavirus experience is absolutely fresh right now and it is creating chaos all over the world. Now I've not been one to focus on the media but this is a very good example to reference with what is occurring right now. We really need to try so very hard to not be in a state of judgement when things are occurring because right now, you can see it everywhere. Sly remarks, comments, people are trying to do the best that they can with what they know. There is panic buying and the intensity of everything is driving people mentally crazy. Some of the discussions that I've had with friends have been in-depth and wanted to use a few examples of what is occurring and why we need to stop being so judgemental and opinionated.
Conspiracy Theories
I've seen all sorts of people, over the years, come up with conspiracy theories. We really can't dismiss all of them, some of them have actually been proven correct and information does indeed get controlled in government places and business. I recall getting Questions on Notice by the Minister and would get told to provide as little information as possible to them. Right now, there are many conspiracy theories about Coronavirus, Rolling Stone magazine has published a few of them. The one that surfaced in my own conversations with friends is about Big Pharma and it's been going on for years. It got me thinking of all the people that are doing incredible research, trying to help people all over the world and how they're being condemned because of who they work for. Whilst this entire planet is focused on money and generation of income, if a company is hiring these bright minds then the business needs to be in a position to generate some form of revenue.
So, we have people, who have incarnated, studied most of their lives to become a scientific researcher, to assist with researching & developing cures to diseases so that we can improve our life longevity. We now take a pill to help with headaches, we can apply a cream to get rid of a fungal infection. We're constantly improving as new supplements come online, thanks to the incredible research that has been happening over the years. These are brilliant people, who could very well be 'lightworkers' and are making incredible breakthroughs for the betterment of humanities health. Why is it that we are judging them, condemning them for working for a company?
Many people on the planet want to create a new world, they want a new way of living. They want to see change, but here we are judging companies and not really looking into the people behind it; the everyday people making differences in our day-to-day lives. The lifeforce behind a lot of what we take for granted as we can turn up to a pharmacy and get something that helps us feel better. Just imagine yourself working in a pharmacy and being told you're part of the problem because you have spent your life studying to help people.
There are people all over the world making every effort they can to contain COVID19. To ensure we don't experience the same impact as the Spanish Flu, which killed 50 million people around the world. Although the New York Times reports that Coronavirus is Very Different from the Spanish Flu of 1918. The Times states that people are working hard, all over the world, trying to find a cure and prevent further spreading of the virus. The more it can be contained, the less people can get infected and decisions are making a huge influence all over the world. Even the NBA (American Basketball) has suspended the 2020 season until further notice as a player test positive for coronavirus. The MLB (American baseball) has postponed its season as well, amid fears of the virus.
Toilet Paper, Panic Buying & Mixed Messages
All over the world, the limelight for panic shopping is everywhere and even the strangest of all things to sell out is toilet paper. In Australia, we have witnessed fights in shopping centres over the last packet of toilet paper. Shopping centres are hiring security guards and stores are putting on tight restrictions on products in hot demand. It's quite an intriguing thing, no one is really sure why there has been an uproar in toilet paper sales. This didn't JUST happen in Australia; it has begun in the US and the UK. Shops are left void of toilet paper, sanitiser and pain killers.
One thing that was of interest, when the panic buying of toilet paper began and there appeared to be at least three groups, one group was bulk buying toilet paper in a panic, another was looking at them and going... "But why?, it's not that type of disease!" and the other group was confused and has put their names on a list for toilet paper at the local store.
Since the original writing of this article, things got more intense with the world being impacted by COVID19, we're living in a very bizarre reality. A reality that, depending on where you live, will depend on what is being witnessed. In Australia, the rest of the world would probably think we're all crazy and don't have a single care in the world because there's people on the East coast of Australia at a beach with restrictions on group numbers and there they are going... Didn't you get the memo, heat kills the virus, so they're at the beach.
Over the past week, I've been in conversations with a friend of mine and I keep telling him that we just cannot judge people. Whilst we're seeing politicians and government employees contradicting themselves with everything they're saying; we're also seeing strange occurrences such as arguments over statistics and the media with an onslaught of articles promoting fear. This may very well be why all of our stores are now with empty shelves. People have begun bulk buying and there's stories of people on a bus, going from town to town, bulk buying.
Throughout the media, there have been a variety of comments of people that are doing these things. When you go to the shop to pick something up, the shelves are empty and people start condemning others for stupid behaviour. There is so much negativity flying around that it is nearly impossible to escape it. There's judgement flying everywhere, there are opinions flying all over the place. Opinions about what people should and should not do, what the government should and should not do. The media needs to be held accountable for the fear that they have spread. Then you get the people that say, “we've only had 26 cases in Western Australia, they're all from overseas so it's ok”. In the meantime, they've shut the gyms down, sports have stopped and it's all chaos.
Everywhere you look in the news, something isn't quite right. Fremantle Dockers arrive with facemasks in Melbourne so they can play a Football game whilst Hospitals are running short on Protective Equipment in regional Western Australia. No wonder emotions are all over the place, people don't know what to believe and there seems to be multiple sets of rules for different people.
In one recent article, the government authorities allowed people to disembark from a cruise ship before testing had been finalised and allowed the people to walk through the city and discovered that a small number tested positive for the Coronavirus.
Toilet Paper in the Media
Try to be Judgement Free
In all the examples above, it is no wonder why people are stressed, worried, feeling chaotic and confused. When both the Kavanaugh experience was all over the media and the pandemic, emotions flared up and people respond accordingly. Whether it is triggering wounds, triggering memories or panic, people are trying to do the best they can within their own reality of experiences.
When you look at a collective of people panic buying, they're trying to look after their own families, their own needs; they are worried that they won't be able to get to the shop and if one person is doing it, the collective consciousness spreads and other people start doing it and they feel like they must need to do so. To give you an example of collective consciousness, a few years ago, prior to the big drop in BitCoin, I felt an overwhelming urge to buy BitCoin and refused to do so. I understand that it was because the message running through the collective was "buy, buy, buy". People who aren't aware of how consciousness operates go through the experience of buying BitCoin only for it to plummet a few weeks later.
This is the same with panic buying... How did the panic buy for toilet paper begin? What is the entire purpose of panic buying toilet paper? It doesn't make any sense but now there's a shortage of toilet paper, not just in Australia. This behaviour spread all over the world. There are jokes, people are making fun of the experiences but it shows just how manipulative and influential belief systems can be.
In all the experiences of people judging, we really need to free ourselves from the judgemental behaviour when it comes to others. When it comes to the behaviour of others, all it does is create more chaos. It feeds into a system and as Buddha would say, "Only peace within can you control, otherwise chaos controls you". The other way to explain it, is that what is surfacing right now is the dualistic thoughts of a duality based system that we need to ascend and we need to grow up from and without these sorts of experiences, humanity will not move its consciousness into the next curve, it will stay flat.
So when it comes to governments, when it comes to professionals we must understand that every single person on this planet is trying the best that they can. Every person is working hard, experiencing something and they are doing the same as you, trying to get through an experience that they never anticipated. Just think of being the Australian Prime Minister, would he have ever anticipated to have to deal with catastrophic bush fires; and once that is finished the pandemic. Rather than focusing on making policies on smaller things, let's just throw them in the deep end, with no experience and deal with crisis after crisis.
Judgement is not necessary; we do not even need to judge others or ourselves. Whilst it is ok to have opinions, everything is constantly changing and those opinions can always be wrong, I know, I've experienced it many times. Judged people for something that they've not even done, it doesn't help. So, if we can move into a state of peace, neutrality or even zero-point as the new phrase of choice is, then we can be free from dualistic based thinking.
One step at a time.
Edited by Jocelyn Joy Thomas
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