Psychological Spiritual Identity
- By Steven North
- In Musings

In the world that we live in, there appears to be a thirst for recognition, a thirst for identity, a thirst to be recognised and many are groomed from a young age to strive for such recognition. In the marketing, advertising and corporate arena, we are needing to focus on achievements, on goals, on objectives to make claim as to how amazing we are. When applying for jobs, we're having to prove why we are the best candidate over everyone else and again, it is all about having to prove to others why you're good enough.
We've grown up as children with the constant need to strive to achieve and if we don't achieve, there's a belief system that we are not productive, that we are not successful and that we must achieve. We are grown and taught what is correct and what isn't, we're taught what is science, what is factual and what is theory. We learn many different things as we go through the years of education but there's one thing that we don't learn and that is, what is and what isn't healthy when it comes to self-identification.
The primary focus on what I'm wanting to present here is how people present themselves in their capacity as a form of spiritual identity and the impacts that this has and to also explore the inner sadness that I've been feeling when seeing people literally fight for a position to be seen as some sort of international recognition and the advertising & marketing to be seen as a Guru is making this even worse. The need to separate yourself and highlight why one is so special, beyond all others appears to be some sort of a necessity in order to be seen as "special". In truth, I've never felt so much sadness around people screaming to be recognised as some form of identity.
I've seen many different things over the past few years of my forced venture into what may well be called an industry of spiritual teaching & wisdom and the more I see it, the more lost I see that people are becoming in a world that people are seeking answers as to why they're experiencing so many different things. There are two experiences that I am going to present, actual experiences and some of the information from the conversations that I've had with Amy over the years.
Before we begin, there is a thing known as psychological identity and this has been defined as a capacity of self-reflection and awareness. People usually acquire their identity through the tasks that they do and the objects that they identify with. To give you an example, when someone asks "Who are you?" the response could be "I'm the Senior Financial Analyst for a State Government Agency" and that is a psychological identification with a job rather than with themselves.ย When I'm networking, I am seeing many people identify with the roles that they perform, such as "I'm a Life Coach, I'm a Lightworker, I'm a Healer" and it is all, role-based forms of identification.
I also got thinking about psychological identity with health conditions. For example, I was diagnosed with multiple types of ADD/ADHD when I was researching into my own mental health and became so identified with the suffering that I would tell people "I have ADHD", it was as if I was handing out a justification and acceptance for being judged before someone got to know me. I did this when I attempted dating many years ago.
When people begin walking the spiritual path, looking for a place to belong, they often meet people at Expos & Festivals that say things and their minds become curious about what else is out there in regards to life. As they begin the journey, they form part of a psychological identityย with that religious or belief-systems identity that they encounter. As an example, many have created an identity of authority when it comes to a New Age belief that they are a lightworker when they are merely spending lifetimes doing a 'soul apprenticeship' and that there are many levels above this 'label'.
With an ever-increasing growth into the field of mindfulness, mental health & consciousness, the dangers of creating a form ofย psychological identity to be seen as a leader, as an authority as an expert are so strong that there are now messages being received by scribes that inauthenticity will be pushed aside and those that are not operating from a state of genuine authenticity will be uncovered and that is what I'm going to talk about now.
I'm a Powerful Lightworker
The trip to the United States in 2018 for myself was for the purpose of experiencing a range of different types of extremes, to see how the land would respond to my energy and a few other things, in fact, every person on the trip has a past-life connection. I need to write more about the trip before I forget everything and yet one of the extremes that I witnessed on this journey was that of spiritual identity. It was a person who made claim to be a powerful lightworker and it was decided that we would go on a road trip together with no awareness of what was about to transpire.
Once I made my way over from San Francisco down to Los Angeles and we jumped in the van, it was ROAD TRIP time and not knowing each other, we had a few hours of talking along the way. I've got an analytical mind, it's why I've always done analytical forms of work and it's the way my mind works, trying to solve things but I knew that I had to document everything and made many observations. During this time, I had also received a case of food poisoning from a restaurant in Pittsburgh, so I wasn't feeling the best at all with the body recovering but we had plenty of time to talk and talk is what we did.
During the drive, I observed myself not wanting to be touched by this person, I didn't even recall the time that I've experienced this before but it was surely a strange observation that I made and when we were talking, I could literally see that I was offering some form of olive-branch to the person when talking about some ancient history stuff. I can see now within the various layers that there was more going on that what I could even comprehend at the human level, let alone at the time. We kept driving and talking away and in one particular moment, this person closed off and fell back into a state of identity. I could tell that something strange was going on here but no idea what. It was as if the person was trying to convince me how incredible they are and refused to listen to anything else.
During the road trip through Flagstaff & Sedona, I could tell that this person was doing some form of a crusade. It was as if it was her divine calling, to do these ceremonies in specific places around the US, calling them twin-flame reunification ceremonies and for me, it was a good opportunity to have my own tour-guide for a few days on the journey and learn things from a local rather than Google Maps. The only problem that I had personally was food poisoning, a digestive system on the fritz and when pulling up in carparks with no public amenities (although we found them) was quite scary! So when we were having an evening dinner in Sedona, the idea of leaving the road trip, spending a few days in a hotel and travelling to Grand Canyon & Sedona, sounded absolutely brilliant, which is what I did.
During the road trip, there was always a sensation that this person was trying to prove things to me, as if she was this amazing & incredible lightworker and how she is devoted to some sort of higher spiritual calling but my physical reactions of "don't touch me!" was what stood out the most. In fact, it was quite alarming to have my body responding in this manner and Amy telling me, "let's just get a hotel room and do our own thing".ย In one of the parks in Sedona, where there was all this talk about trees and historical experiences, the person goes to me... "I have magical gifts too" and wanted to show me that she could do something with a tree. At that moment, I said to Amy... "SHUT ME DOWN, NOW!" and walked over and allowed this person to put her hand on my head and whatever happened, happened. In truth, I felt nothing... absolutely nothing and a few days later, I made an appointment for when I got back to Perth with a healer.
When I went to the session with the healer, she goes to me "Did you come across an Energy Worker on your travels?", "Did you allow someone to touch your head?" and that term triggered a memory of an experience that I've had before. What the person was doing, with no conscious awareness was trying to manipulate my energy system to access codes within my systems, with a combination of the food poisoning and this experience, my own energy system needed to be repaired but what was sad, is that the person had no conscious awareness of what they were doing. They had no awareness that they were trying to interrogate another's energy system for personal gain. I knew something was up to get the message to have Amy shut my systems down for whatever reason.
I won't go into the story of what an Energy Worker is here as I can't recall it in full but there is an ancient history where 1,000 human souls were gifted with special abilities to help the creators of this planetary system build it. The creators were also creating other worlds at this time and the gap between returning to the Earth got longer and longer between each visit. These Energy Workers then took ownership and fell into a deep state of identity and turned against the creators, claiming ownership for what they were helping create in a co-creative nature.
From having this wisdom explained to me many years ago, I was able to see through the mask of identity and can say that this person IS NOT a lightworker and to label herself as one is a case of Spiritual Identity or simply put, in reference to psychology, tripping up over their own ego. I felt sorry for the person because I could see how much love they want to share, they want to save the world, they want to heal everything but are not aware of what they were doing and not aware of what they are.
If I ever find that session where it was explained to me, the Energy Worker, I'll transcribe it.
There is a recent experience that I had been observing for a quite some time and it really does begin to worry me because of how often people fall for such strong spiritual psychological identities and it's really unhealthy because their foundation of who they are is based on this. I refer to these type of people as the I AM IDENTITY because they promote how they are some form of identity and they run the risk of falling into the ego traps that the mind creates in order to continue with this identity.
There is a growing need in the spiritual community to be identified as something unique and special for the sole purpose of getting clients, to convince people why they should see you. Heck, even I fell for it many many years ago with some person claiming to be the most powerful healer in the world at the recommendation of my own healer at the time. It was NOT cheap either, I was also experiencing severe financial hardship and in truth, I got absolutely nothing from it but the experience of paying A LOT for NOTHING and seeing people that claim to be amazing healers and yet, they do not deliver.
In 2014, there was something that stood out for me when I began this whole journey and that was to never ever promote yourself as some sort of Master because it creates a level of expectation that cannot be delivered. These healers today, these Guru's out in the spiritual circuit are delivering the total opposite, they are getting up and saying "I AM IDENTITY" and are being caught out when they cannot deliver.
The experience that I had was in Melbourne, there was this person in a workshop claiming to be a whole range of different identities, they made the declaration that they are it, that they are this incredible identity. Everyone in the room had no idea what they were talking about but as the session continued on, so many false declarations were made, not just about their own identity but also encouraging those that were in the room to take on these identities as well. For example, telling everyone in the room that they are lightworkers but a lightworker is not an identity, it simply means a soul based apprenticeship and there are many that are using this term as some form of Guruship identity. I have never seen an apprentice mechanic claim that they are the greatest mechanic in the world.
This same person approached me on Friday night and began to fabricate stories with claims such as "The darkness has gotten to you" and when that was rejected, they continued on by saying "The darkness has gotten to Amy" which again is even more crap and the more their stories were rejected the deeper the story went. It was a story manufactured to justify their own rejection and it is not the first time that I have come across this before. What they fabricated was their own story to justify their own behaviour and began to spread it to others as if it were gospel and but little did they know that we watched it unfold and were waiting for it reveal itself. What transpired was the exposure of how little they know and the truth of who they were surfaced. They made claims that there was some dark entity that was deep within the layers but what they did not realise that it was their own jealousy, their own attempt to disempower another for their own gain and they weren't aware.ย The whole scenario that was presented, even the things that were said were based on power, control & manipulation as well as wanting to be seen as a form of Guru. Mary Magdalene through Marlene Swetlishoff said in June 2019: Those who have pretended to be something which in truth they are not, are being unmasked by those who follow their higher guidance.ย and this is what occurred. In truth, what this person did was carry an act of bullying.
Those who have pretended to be something which in truth they are not, are being unmasked by those who follow their higher guidance ~ Mary Magdalene
When researching into the business three years ago, I had interviewed a number of people about business practices, how they advertise and promote and of all the people that I interviewed, there was one person that stood out the most and gave the most valuable piece of information one could ever give. That is to never promote yourself as some form of identity because that identity is always being redefined. With what I experience in Melbourne, I found that humility is one of the more beautiful things that anyone can ever do.
Another thing before I finish this segment on the I AM IDENTITY. If what occurred to me during my twenties, the embodiment of group consciousness, that made me a "WE" and no longer an "I", then the whole I AM IDENTITY is extremely limiting. This identity will limit oneself to a single aspect rather than encompassing everything they truly are. There is so much more to this that I could be here for quite some time.
When we attended the Every Woman Expo that was held in Perth in June of 2019, I obtained another drawing of Amy who came forward and displayed a past-life that we lived to emphasise the need for humility and explained that in this lifetime, we started out in the gutters, we didn't have the luxuries that others did but we learned a great appreciation and love for that of life. Over the years, we went from being in the gutters to being a Gandhi equivalent and having everything. It is these up's & down's that teach us humility for Amy explained that had we not had those experiences of the struggle, of the hardships, we would be in the same situation as the examples given above and that we run the risk of creating an identity based on falsities and the psychological definition of ego.
Amy & myself are both fed-up with what we've been seeing over the years and one of the biggest things is that there are some people in the Spiritual Community that are showboating away as some form of Guru and aren't even ready and should not be doing what they're doing because it's just regurgitating false wisdom that has been shared by people who don't get it and it is really sad that people are being sucked into these sorts of mentalities and being told that they're something they're not.
A lot of the need for this psychological identity stems from marketing & advertising and the lust for identity and this is rampant right now in our community. There are young teenagers being treated by psychologists because they're not getting enough followers on Instagram and their social media following is not as good compared to one of their friends and this was revealed yesterday in a meeting regarding Mental Health in the workplace just yesterday. This is happening all over the world and people are constantly talking about how they changed their lives by not listening to others and only following their hearts.
In truth, this has really been one of the toughest challenges in regards to writing because of the personal experiences that I've had. To talk publicly about them is also different because it is so difficult to express. In the past, I would've gone running to some healer because of what that person in Melbourne claimed but instead, today, I just tell them "NO". The story of what transpired on the Road Trip, even having it explained from a completely different, non-human perspective, to have experienced it again just feels absolutely weird. There is always a very different perspective of things happening and that is why people go see Psychologists & Counsellors, to get a different perspective.
In the end, no matter what is said here, there is one thing to ALWAYS remember...
Everyone is trying to do their best with what they've got.
I've written other articles on this topic before and these can be read by using the links below and I really do hope that this provides an insight into the experiences to help people differentiate between what is genuine & authentic with those that are showboating and use it for your own discernment.
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- in Musings