Love has no boundaries!
Amy's Divine Love is a beautiful song that is one of the many songs put together by Steven & Amy North (incarnate & spirit guide). This specific song has helped both Steven & Amy, along with many other people with healing wounds within the heart space and opening ourselves up to love. It is the track that is referred as "the go to song" for all listeners as it is a beautiful blend of the divine feminine & masculine energies.
Steven dedicated this song to Amy as it speaks of her Divine Love which has no boundaries, no restrictions and is pure unconditional love for all. In an 'Amy reading session' with Jocelyn Joy Thomas, Amy advised that she absolutely loves this track and is very fond it. It is designed specifically to help people with clearing the heart chakra and to feel the love of God. Through this track, you will feel the connection to divine love, especially in the heart space.
This magical Elestial Amethyst piece is known as the 'Amy Crystal' as it is Steven's specific crystal that he uses to connect with Amy herself. Elestial Amethyst is also referred to as "the enchanted crystal” and is said to bring the following metaphysical benefits; Shiva; third-eye; clairvoyance; clairsentience; clairaudience; “gazing”; brain wave frequencies; communication; past/future lives.
Emotionally, Amethyst is used in crystal healing to help heal personal losses and grief, bringing one gently past. Amethyst has a gently sedative energy that can promote peacefulness, happiness, and contentment. It also is said to bring emotional stability and inner strength. This stability and strength not only helps one hold firm in one’s life, but it can enhance flexibility and cooperation. To be flexible at need is a sure sign of strength.
Faden Quartz
Faden Quartz grows in a tabular form and has a thread like line that goes through it. This stone is good expanding consciousness; spiritual connections; relationship connections; internal connections; attuning to Earth’s movements; healing the etheric body; remove & repair energy leaks & holes in auric fields; remove attachments or cords from others; assisting with extreme emotional difficulty.
Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz is a stone that is helpful for meditation; spiritual development; Atlantis, Mu, Og, Zu, Lemuria; American Indians; ancient tribal cultures; diagnostic healing; enlightenment; spiritual communications; rejuvenation. Clear Quartz is used within the Heart Activation Music to store information as it is a great crystal not just to amplify others but to hold code that is embedded into the crystals. Later tracks within the Heart Activation Music use different pieces of Clear Quartz as vessels for specific Ascended Masters.
Pink Danburite
Danburite is a stone that carries a pure vibration. It is excellent for relief of stress and worry. It can assist with stimulating the heart chakra, opening one up to Divine Source, assists with emotional healing and aids in bringing a positive outlook on life.
Onyx - Archangel Michael
Onyx is helpful for centering; alignment; grief banishment; good fortune; instincts; yin/yang synthesis; masters of one's future; breastplate stone; also brings properties of Chalcedony. The pieces used in this music is also attuned to the Archangel Michael as Onyx is one of the stones that holds his vibration extremely well. It is a stone that represents whom he is.
- Assisting with the recovery of depression
- Healing of emotional wounds
- Cleansing of the bioenergy field (aura)
- Opening the heart to unconditional love
- Embodying the Light of Consciousness
- Calming, Meditative & Relaxing
- The energy of unconditional love
- The divine love of Amy
By utilising the crystal energy and the binaural frequencies together, it helps you with lifting the energies around the heaviness that depression can come with. The music assists with opening pathways into the heart, clearing energetic debris and can be used continuously with it being such a beautiful soft & gentle energetic song.
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Media & Appearances of Amy's Divine Love
Explore the many appearances of the beautiful song created by Steven & Amy North.