17 May
[SteveNHD] Thoughts, Chaos & Updates (12.MAY.2020)
- By Steven North
- In SteveNHD Videos
Steven North shares an update on his own world, rest, the brain feeling like it has gone to mush (rewiring), accepting things for the way they are, the beginning of a new phase and Business & Website Consulting. The importance of self-love, self-care & self-worth and coming back to the zero to reduce the mental from dragging the human along and to disconnect from the outside world.
How we can physically see the two realities, the new earth and the augmented earth and how we must change our perspectives, to come together in a collective manner otherwise we will always have polarity or duality. Whilst I'm in a state of deep rest, you can read more articles and listen to the Heart Activation Music at https://www.stevennorth.com.au
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Steven North is the founder of the Heart Activation Music Therapy, Soul Re-Acclimatisation Therapy, the owner of Star Point 9 and West Australian Personal Computers.
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[SteveNHD] The Leader vs Doubt & Fear
- 19 April 2020
- by Steven North
- in SteveNHD Videos
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