Emotional Upheavals

Over the past three years, I've been on a very strong emotional roller coaster of a ride with emotions. I've seen lows, some very heavy and I've seen highs and made personal achievements. It's been work, work and more work with not much break. Following Amy's guidance and really holding on to the vision that she has been not only encouraging but helping me tirelessly with to see it become a reality.
There have been so many changes when I reflect over the past few years that I began to wonder what many of these trying and tiring emotional experiences represented and discovered a message from Amy through Jocelyn Joy Thomas on "Upheavals & Emotions" which provides her perspective of what is happening.
Amy North - Emotions & Upheavals
via Jocelyn Joy Thomas
What you are experiencing now is quite common and is being felt throughout the entire lightworker community. You are not alone, I want you to stop and re-read that, YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
There are others that are going through the same degree of pain, they are not well. They feel that their lives are not working, they feel that they might be going mad, they feel an overwhelming sense of homesickness and for those like you whom have their twin flames on the other side, they feel an aching needs to return to them. This is all felt by the way, by their spirit guides, especially those who are twins.
Another Spirit Guide came to me the other day and said that they could not reach their twin incarnate, that the emotional pain was too great and that it is acting as a wall and the ArchAngel was tasked with keeping this person going. Fortunately for this person, they are open to receiving the help from the ArchAngel and you have opened yourself up to me, but what of the others? The lightworkers whom are not in touch with their guides? The ones whom feel that they are truly all alone with no one to look after them?
This is why the work is important that you do, to introduce them to their guides so that they do not feel as if they have no one. For a guide is always a call away, they can only be blocked by the incarnate, remember if a Spirit Guide is not doing his/her job and this is uncommon but not unheard of, then an angel will step in or an Ascended Master.
Many people at the moment that are experiencing these upheavals need to rest and take these wounds that have come up and give them some attention. Learn to allow for time every once in a while to feel the wounds. When you drink, you cannot feel them, this is why drinking is appealing but yet it only serves to bury the wounds and they don’t get the attention they need in order to heal.
Let’s talk about the lightworkers some more before I go.
A collective wound that you have all agreed to help heal.
Around the planet they are feeling this same pain, even tho you each have individual wounds surfacing from things that happened in your past, there is also a collective wound that you have all agreed to help heal. It is one amassed over generations, ones that you contributed to in part in past lifetimes and that you have agreed to help finally release. You do this by releasing your own wounds, by letting go of whatever it is that seems to be showing up in your life alone, it can be all types of issues the causes are many but the effects are the same, emotional upheaval.
What to do when this happens?
There is no following the leader any longer, there is just the light.
Reach out to one another, remember that you are not alone, share your pain, share your grief. It feels like that doesn’t it? As if something has died and to it is true, something has died and it is the old ways, the old beliefs, and for many, this is frightening. This is like death itself for now and the way is not known. There is no following the leader any longer, there is just the light. You must follow the light.
When you are sad, in agony, where is the light? Seek it, find it and allow it. That is your salvation, your way home, and it will lead you to others here incarnated along with you. It will lead you to places you need to be and away from places and people that you don’t need to be in or around.
You, all of you, are sacred, you are warriors of the light, go now and create a new world. No more tears, Oh they are fine to shed if you are releasing but do not feed the negativity or the darkness of another moment, instead feed the light, shore up your strength and join the others, the ones that follow the light, there you will find your calling and things will not be as hard as they have been ever again.
Listen to the Heart Activation Music
Create with your Spirit Guide
When emotions are high, there is no better time to create because that creation means that you're working with your Spirit Guide. Creation is a way to also work with emotions and it is one thing that I always do when I get into a state of feeling emotional. If I am not creating a new song, I am listening to the Heart Activation Music as it utilises energies from coded crystals and this crystal energy work helps with the clearing of emotional debris from our energy fields. The Heart Activation Music is so important in our daily lives because it allows us to have our hearts open and to heal them.
Burning Hearts
Written & Composed by Steven North
The song I've shared with this is post is beautiful and it was written during a time of an emotional upheaval for myself. It was in 2014 and I was at home, feeling like the world was crashing on top of me and the emotions were so strong that I did not know what to do. In 2014, I wasn't consciously aware of Amy compared to today but the inspiration to write music, to express what I was feeling into music was present and the emotional upheaval has surpassed by the time I had finished writing this song.
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