Amy’s Message to Humanity (April 2020)

A Message to Humanity by Amy North
Channelled via Jocelyn Joy Thomas
Hello to you all,
I know that these are very challenging and different times, very difficult times as well, I want you to know that here on this side, all of us are feeling it as well, it is not something that is just going on in the physical world. Over here, we have a lot of concern for the incarnates of course and the physical world and how everybody is coping. As you know, there are a lot of souls crossing over too, so there's a lot of attention to that, attention to them being received and going through reorientation process, it is busier than normal, there are higher rates than normal but obviously that is a part of everyday life but these are extraordinary times, so it is not normal here on this side as well.
Spirit Guides are also having to work a lot of extra hours so to speak
Spirit Guides are also having to work a lot of extra hours so to speak, if we had hours, we would be working them. A lot of extra focus on our incarnates and on the world too. There are groups of us that get together to send energy, healing energy down to just bring things into a balanced state, which is really badly needed at this point in time. There's not a lot of balance, people are afraid, people are hoarding, people are sick, you know there's a lot of imbalance in the world right now.
It is times like these when you hear terms like duality that can be very frustrating because duality means that you're locked into a physical world, into non-dualistic thinking, it means that you're outside of it, that you're free of it and how then can you really feel a sense of non-duality in a time like this? Because why? the physical world becomes very solid, so very real, it becomes very difficult to try to imagine yourself not a part of.
It is these types of experiences that having that understanding can really benefit you, getting through them, navigating the pathway through them. It helps you to understand that there is a reason behind this, that there is an intelligence behind it, that there is a plan behind it, that there is a lot of agreement behind it on a soul level. That even though there is suffering that appears to be happening and it IS happening on the level of form, there is a lot going on beyond that and that has to do with those agreements and there is going to be a lot of change that comes out of it. So if we look at this occurrence of a pandemic and we understand what it is there for. I would ultimately say that the purpose of this is to break old patterns once and for all.
Its main purpose is to break old patterns once and for all
So if its main purpose then is to break old patterns once and for all, another thing we could say is change, we could say transformation, we could say healing, we could say a lot of things would come from that and that the beauty of it is, that it WILL BE a lot of things. If a certain country needs a lot of healing, they'll be able to tap into that potential. If a certain family or a certain family member needs something, that is something that will be available to them.
There are many people right now that needed a break from routine
There are many people right now that needed a break from routine, that just couldn't have it for whatever reason, weren't able to have it but now, they do. Some of those people will move forward and actually tap into the potential, others won't and even if they don't, at least they have had a bit of a break.
The people that are ill, the people that are really suffering are the ones that are making the ultimate sacrifice, not that they're all crossing over to the other side, many of them are going to get better but it's just a matter of the others learning from these cases and as the people, the population worldwide goes through this experience collectively, there will be a certain amount of people that will have more empathy, more compassion, more tolerance, more wisdom as a result of these experiences, whether they caught it or not.
A lot of the people that don't catch it will learn more because they witness the suffering, the one's that do catch it, the lighter cases also could be in that category. The one's that get very sick, obviously not a lot of time for introspection when you're very sick, you're just barely able to focus and the one's that pass over, the impact is felt by that experience, by the rest of the collective. Everybody is doing their part, everybody is doing something, everybody is changed in some way, some people more than others, some people are resisting more than others, some people are really taking the experience to heart, others are growing, as I mentioned, growing in compassion, so there's a great deal ofโฆ beyond change, let's say... breaking down barriers.
Everybody is doing their part, everybody is doing something, everybody is changed in some way
It's funny because you're told to isolate, which sounds like there are more barriers when actually there's a breaking down of barriers because people are hearing and seeing what others are going through. You're in different countries but you're hearing how this particular virus is impacting different countries, Italy, China, whatever country it is and that means that it is a shared experience regardless of where you are. Obviously, it is different in some countries, the countries are handling it differently, however there is still this shared experience and if you think about, when was the last time? You have to go back to a world war when there was a shared experience like this globally.
Other than I think a lot of people are ignoring a pretty obvious thing, the climate crisis was a shared experience but people didn't really all get on board with that. There wasn't a sense of urgency even though there should have been. Hopefully, one of the changes that come out of this will have to do about that.
When it comes to this time period and most importantly the time period when people start to come out of their quarantine and they're starting to get back to normal. That is when the fear is going to get the highest, so it's at that point when we're basically going to send an alert out to all lightworkers, this is a time when we need you to be in a frequency of love. This is a time when, if you can, we need you to show up and do what you do best, all of you. Which is to radiate love in some way or another. Whether you're a reader, whether you're a healer, whether you're a musician, whether you're a writer, whatever your message is, we'll need it.
So the following weeks & months, you'll be asked, as the collective tries to resume, let's say, normal activities, to hep with this strong fear that will be there.
So the following weeks & months, you'll be asked, as the collective tries to resume, let's say, normal activities, to hep with this strong fear that will be there. To send your light out into the world, all lightworkers needed. It's kind of like how they are calling for all medical professionals now, it's not unlike that, do not think that you aren't being called on because you are, the reason is because these fears will be so strong because what people are going to learn is that they can't resume or recreate their old patterns. They can't recreate their old schedules so to speak and there'll be differences, for some it will be very very different for others it'll be a little bit different but for everybody it'll be different and when you add that up, the collective is going to feel very unstable because the physical relies on stability, it relies on predictability, it relies a sense of static, it doesn't like it when things are unpredictable and changeable as they are right now.
The collective is going to feel very unstable because the physical relies on stability
Spirit understand that is the way it is but people that are very vested in the physical world don't, so for them it is very frightening. Lightworkers all understand that everything is temporary and that the dualistic world is an illusion, so naturally when things in that illusion change, this isn't something that's quite as disturbing for somebody that is very invested in that but still, all of you in the physical world, you still have that level of form that you exist on, so it's hard for the lightworkers too, just as much, to see all of this change but it is important for you all to connect and using this love frequency is a great way to do that, going into the state of love, the state of absolute connection to the all will help you to feel a sense of love permeating through your being and that will help you to know where to go, what to do, even if what to do right now is to stay calm and not do anything at all and that may very well be for this period.
When I'm talking about the call to action, I'm talking a little bit later down the road, when a lot of you will have already received, first of all, almost all lightworkers are being asked to rest right now.
Secondly, many of them are receiving a great deal of inspiration. The rest requires that. All lightworkers are being asked to rest or be in a state of peace right now, SLOW THINGS DOWN. All of them are being given inspiration, we can also call it creativity to share messages with the world.
When people are trying to resume old patterns, routines, etcetera, the lightworkers will be called on to act.
In the future, when people are trying to resume old patterns, routines, etcetera, the lightworkers will be called on to act. A lot of what you will be called on to act, sometimes it will be very obvious, Oh Ok, I'm feeling a strong calling. Other times, it won't be as much but some of those things you were given as inspiration will be put into effect and that will mean that it is ready for that message to be sent out into the world. So you might not know just how timely whatever your sharing with the world is, but trust it, trust it.
That's enough, I'm going to leave it there.
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