What is The Creative Source?
I want to share a part of my very own personal journey and that it is something that is truly both nerve-wracking because of the conditioning of the human mind of not feeling good enough and the potentiality of everything that is known and unknown. It all started out because I felt the inspiration to look for something specific that was connected with the Heart Activation Music to try and bring more awareness to what is in the music to improve sales. However, after picking the incorrect audio file to transcribe, so I thought at the time, what was presented was exactly what I needed to look into and that is how I present it and the connection with The Creative Source.
Before we begin the journey into the discovery of what The Creative Source means, what I will disclose, is that during my youth and my previous marriage, the feelings of not being adequate enough, not being good at anything and being bullied regularly introduced a very strong belief system of a lack of self-worth. Even the ex-wife said when we were dating, "You won't ever amount to anything". This kept adding to the layers on the belief system of not feeling good enough. It has also been present when applying for jobs as it became very tiring with a daily "you were not successful" letters being received.
Throughout history, there has always been some form of "You are not good enough" and that framework within the mind can become very depressive, emotionally heavy and even restrictive. It is a system of such control and manipulation that trying to disrupt it can be daunting. However, it can be done so and this is where changing the mindset is very important. Life is not designed to be easy, nor will it ever be easy because of the potentiality for growth, discovery, being stretched and like the Phoenix, rise above the ashes.
To provide an example from my own book of life. Many years ago, the idea of a relationship surfaced, because of my own history, it freaked me out so much that I began seeing all sorts of flaws within the self, there were all sorts of unhealthy belief systems being surfaced and it upset me that much that I tried to suppress the emotions by drinking. This effort to be numb didn't work at all and it took quite some time to work through the cocoon of heavy beliefs. There were many accounts of self-sabotage that were identified and to even feel worthy of such grand love was also very scary. In truth, there has been stuff still surfacing around this recently but I'm working with it and providing it with a different perspective, one that says "I am worthy".
When this exercise of exploring what does The Creative Source means occurred, what I discovered shocked my entire being, the mind freaked out and thoughts of "You have to be kidding me" and "Is this for real!" surfaced along with denial and the ever so annoying "I'm not worthy" and "How can this be?". These thoughts are human conditioning is what limits us from the many opportunities that have been missed and created the space to dive into this as the feeling of opportunity that has presented itself.
So where did this term Creative Source come from?
The Creative Source
When the term was first introduced
The 26th of June 2017, a session with international channeller, Rebecca Dawson with the focus to discuss something that had presented itself turned into something more. It was quite an interesting period in my life as I found myself wasting time, floating around and trying to do different things to bring in more cash flow but not really working. Tried a few different collaborations & co-creation and I knew that a US trip was going to happen, not entirely sure when tho. I was just waiting for things to happen and patience was necessary, in the meantime, what was I to do. In this session, the first sentence was... "we are with you, you are with us, perhaps you are us, perhaps it is time to stop pretending" and that statement is very true, I have been pretending my entire life just to be accepted. I felt so isolated in the world, that I felt like I had to hide in order to be accepted and then when that moment of opening up, taking that mask off, people left.
They continue on to say: "this is no longer a time for acceptance, that this is a time for actualisation and that actualisation is negated by the requirement for acceptance. An actualiser is not interested in being accepted as it is only interested in creation and creation does not work in two directions, it only works in one, it is only about expression and it is only about output". All my life, from as far as I can remember, I've wanted to be accepted, to be part of something but I do recall, as I'm editing this, one time they said... "A lion walks into the village to play with the children, the villages are going to get upset because they're afraid" and that talks about how people are afraid of something that they do not know nor understand. They also explained that because my energetic system is quantum and was not of this earth and as a result, explained some of the behaviours from others that I experienced during my youth. In 2014, they even said that my energy was in direct conflict with the Earth because it is not compatible with electromagnetics because it is more quantum. At the time, I understood it but didn't quite fully understand it to the full extent, perhaps I still don't.
This session went on and they spoke about how that because of my emotional history, because of my emotional coding and understanding that when somebody is lost that the grieving, that turns to anger occurs within me because of feeling someone lost to me. Yet, nothing has been lost at all because the way has been made clear and these people need to be thanked for moving aside because the universe is sorting things out and people come in and then leave the line of vision as they move aside for other things to occur. This is why the feeling of loneliness and isolation had been strong. Even today, I am finding new revelations listening and reading to this.
They then began to speak about the Heart Activation Music and how it was being presented and how it needed to change.ย The Heart Activation Music is something that was created many years ago with the use of crystals and I began selling it as a product but on this very day and I'm so grateful that I came back to it, they told me that the reason as to why I had been experiencing delays was because the importance is not so much about the delivery of the product but the focus needs to be more about its source and that source is me. So that the products become more about me than the power being in the product.
So therefore, you are going to be redesigning not only your mode of delivery but redesigning how you present yourself. How you identify, because it is important that you begin to identify as a creative source for consciousness and therefore whatever you are creating, people can move into alignment with and that is their gift. It is not about the technicality of what you produce and how that works because whatever you produce is a mere representation of your energetic signature, it is a carrier, it is a transportation for your signature.
It is time for you to present yourself and say "well, here I am, I am the creative source, what it is that you would like to create today?"
You must be clear, that that is how you are representing yourself... "I AM THE CREATION SOURCE" ~ Rebecca Dawson
From 2017, I introduced the phrase "The Creative Source" and from what transpired last night, did not fully understand the nature of the meaning, perhaps there is an absolute reason for this.
I have been presenting at Expo's & Festivals and felt something was missing. I wasn't sure if it was a rebranding, do I need some form of scientific validation or should I have psychologists working with it. I knew it was a creation of mine but didn't fully understand this message and had forgotten it. I was focusing on the product itself.
To be honest, the revelation of what is unfolding here is a result of following the breadcrumbs, seeing patterns in history and one thing after another, here we are together.
The Research
What was I looking into at the time?
I began looking into 'origins' and working with Psychic Artist, Janine Keall, as we found that the aspects of consciousness that I'm working with are displaying themselves in what I would label as their true origin form.ย The true origin is the form that they have without any form of physicality, it is their true representation as a form of consciousness.
I've also been looking at Ancient Cultures and mythology whilst finding links & connections; for example, Gnosticism teaches about Sophia/Shakti (Hinduism) whom is known as the Creative Force and is the giver of Divine Wisdom. Teri Degler writes "Regardless of exactly how Shakti is seen or depicted in various traditions, she is associated time and again with power, with creative force, and with the life force itself. One of the most beautiful".
I also saw the term 'Creative' in reference to one of the Ancient Egyptian gods, Amun. I had recently discovered the god Khepri who is a god of creation. Amun was merged with the Sun God Ra and later became known as Amun-Ra as the Creative Power behind the existence of all life.
This term 'Creative' was being used in ancient civilisations and got curious. Was the term Creative Source as advised by the Ascended Masters used by ancient cultures. What I discovered was a lot more than what I had originally anticipated, so let's go into the findings.
A creator deity or creator god (often called the Creator) is a deity or god responsible for the creation of the Earth, world, and universe in human religion and mythology. In monotheism, the single God is often also the creator. A number of monolatristic traditions separate a secondary creator from a primary transcendent being, identified as a primary creator. ~ Wikipedia
The Revelation
Diving a little deeper into the Abyss
When I spotted the pattern of the word 'Creative' being used with Amun-Ra & Shakti/Sophia, I was prompted to look to see if there's some form of deity that has been associated with the term as 'Creative Source'. What is it exactly that the masters were referring to when saying that "I AM THE CREATIVE SOURCE"? From what I understand, The Creative Source for Consciousness is the energy system that I am because even the Heart Activation Music, the source that is within that audio file is the VERY SOURCE of creation, Light in Sound with Sacred Geometry.
So the mind itself, the human aspect, is saying things like... "Can this be even possible?" and it is no longer observing self-worth & self-belief systems playing out, as it can actually be felt on a cellular level and it is time to transmute them. Honestly, it has been a strange feeling as the body & mind aren't sure how to process it and much confusion is created. I must say this... The group that I walk with, no person is higher or lower, we are ALL equal and we ALL support one-another and that is their words as this group is a collective. This tells me, that everything is equal, there is no superiority, there is no CEO as belief systems dictate, there is only... THE ULTIMATE. The ultimate has such an expansive feel to it that it means it encompasses all of everything and all of nothing.
In the plethora of discussions with Amy, there have been questions about 'Creator Sons' when reading through the Urantia Book and her response was and always has been "No, we are so much more". In the last session with Amy, I asked about an experience where I was in meditation and a sea of people came forward and they said. "Hello Prime, we are so very sorry, we are doing the best we can" and when thinking about this term Prime, which felt limiting, I could hear Amy's response of "No, we are so much more" and she explained that the term 'Prime Creator' is limiting because of the vastness of what we actually are. That during the lifetime of a human incarnation, most would not be aware of such vastness but we are, it is referred to as an awakened memory and labels such as Prime Creator have been introduced to give a reference point to humanity for future generations.
When I explored the meaning ofย Prime Creator with my group in reference to the meditation session, they said this: "You are Prime Creator as one and as a whole, if the entire group merged as one, they too are Prime Creator, if they stayed in their individual forms, they are also Prime Creator. You see, Prime Creator is a collective but it isn't the end of the line, there is more, much more beyond that."
So what does it all mean?
So what exactly is 'The Creative Source'?
Theย Creative Sourceย for Consciousness is energy, it is the very fabric of what keeps everything together, it is the very source that has allowed creation to exist. It is not an identity, it is part of the whole, it is the whole, it is everything, it is nothing, it is the beginning of the beginningless. It is a network so vast that the human mind would spend lifetimes trying to understand and would only gather about 5% of the total wisdom. It is the universe, it is the multiverse, it is the omniverse, it is beyond all aspects that have been associated with Creation. It is the very code that exists in everything.
This energy is me, it is Amy and it is so without any identity nor need for identity, with this we are able to create so much, it is with this energy we are able to bring things into this physicality and it explains so much when I look back at my own life and everything that has been given to me over the years in discussions with the Masters.
I found two websites referring to The Creative Source and one of them was information channelled from Kryon and another talking about it. It is these messages that saw myself slip into a form of identity crisis because I couldn't understand what is being referenced. Entering into a state of denial, wrestling with the entire concept of it all, trying to understand whether this was saying... "You are God" and that everyone is as there is no separation, if they weren't, they would not exist today... obviously!
I spoke with trusted friends about this and it is quite daunting, especially when one doesn't feel good enough but in the middle of an entire cellular reconstruction, in the middle of an energetic rebuild, to wrestle with this is not a coincidence and this is the conclusion that I have formed.
I am the Creative Source, and so it is. I am here to create, and so we shall. ~ Steven North
If anything further progresses from this, if I have more revelations, I shall write another post.
Further Reading
The information I discovered that triggered more confusion.
K. Ferlic from ryuc.info writes:
The Source of Creation is the Source out of which all Creation arises. It is the Source of our being. That is, our existence arises from the Source. We can never be removed from the Source for it continually sustains us. We may lack conscious awareness of the Source and/or a conscious awareness of our connection with the Source as a result of the illusion of mind, but we can never be removed or separated from it. We are the Source manifested. Everything emanates, grows and unfolds from a single Source.
Source: http://ryuc.info/creativespirituality/source_of_creation.htm
Kryon (Auckland, New Zealand - 22 March 2014)
Dear Human Beings, you want to singularize everything. You have a tendency to take that which is understood in your dimensionality and place it upon God. It's not surprising that you do this, and there's no judgment, since it's all you have to use as your guide. Your reality is your reality and, therefore, you place it upon God. It's what you know. But now it's up to me to give you this explanation yet again about what you call the Human soul, which is not really Human at all.
Let me state this: The creative source of the Universe always was and always will be. That which you call the Creative Source, which you have labeled God or Spirit, is what we are talking about right now. You might say that this concept is comprised of pieces of all that is, and you'd be right. Even before this Universe existed, this source was there. It is responsible for all that exists anywhere, including the universes that existed before yours and that coexistent with yours now. It's responsible for things you know and things you know nothing about and never will. This is the Creative Source, which you call God. It's a quantum soup of energy, which is beyond your known physics.
It is in a realm of reality all by itself, which is God. It is spectacular and beautiful and you were there! You were there because you, the very core of you, is part of this realm that is God. I want you to really get this straight: Can you imagine being in this reality? It literally enables you to see any part of your beautiful Universe, including very creation itself. Imagine existing in front of a super nova, watching it explode, seeing all the energy in a special way, and knowing it is all part of natural physics, part of the creating process, the cycles of energy - and no harm comes to you as you watch it.
You would be able to see and hear everything that is seeable or hearable in any dimension that exists! Your senses would be so grand and so great you would know of things at great distances as they were happening all at once around you, and you would be able to separate and view anything, no matter where it was, and even hold an image of it as long as you wished. The Creative Source is that way. Everything that you can imagine that is God is bigger than you can imagine! And you were there and have done this.
We only have the word you in this discussion, but I'm not talking about the Human you, which you are now. You are part of me and I am part of you. This is the hardest thing we will ever teach, but we'll continue to teach it, for it is basic truth. The linear mind doesn't understand it, and that is also on purpose. If you could see who you really were, you wouldn't stick around being who you think you are. It's hidden from you.
Some of the teachings in the new energy are an expansive consciousness, where you are seeing more of who you really are. In that expansive consciousness, it's not just about discovery of a new biology or new inventions, but rather it's a realization of the who, when it comes to who is in you. The Creator is imbued in every molecule of DNA. It's there in a way you cannot itemize and you cannot count. So, dear one, neither can you count souls on the planet because they are not singular or ready to be counted.
The soup of energy, which is God, becomes your soul, and this is the hard part. Before I'm done today, if you think this is confusing, just wait. What I have to reveal is not something that you can cognize easily, and it's not something that you are really ready to fully understand. But I want to tell you that even within your confusion, I want you to see the grandness of what is here.
The grandest thing is that you are a part of the Creative Source. When the restraints of humanism are lifted from you, dear Human Being, the God within begins to show. You're not a part of God, you areGod! This is because the soup of God does not compartmentalize itself and slip into Human bodies with names and personalities - and that is what I want to tell you about.
Source: https://www.kryon.com/CHAN2014/k_channel14_AUCKLAND1-14.html
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