Crystals – The Light of Consciousness
- By Steven North
- In Musings
It has been some time since I've written about crystals and this is because of self-doubt, even with the Ascended Masters & Amy telling me that crystals are my speciality, the doubt was strong. There have been many people over the years that have been writing books about crystals, the metaphysical benefits, healing benefits and the beautiful Marlene Swetlishoff has been channelling the consciousness of Crystals and putting together a book on all these crystals. You can begin to understand why there was a belief system present within myself of "what more do I have to add". This self-doubt/belief went for years and there have been many that write articles, do seminars & workshops, go to Experts and talk about topics such as "Crystals in the New Earth" or "Working with Crystals in a new way".
There has also been a recent experience where others in my hometown have begun attempting to replicate the 'Heart Activation Music' which is Light in Sound or Crystals in Music and I had observed that even the words used in the marketing were the exact same language that Amy used to describe our loving creation. Although, whilst the event is not even remotely close because of how the Heart Activation Music & our sessions are created, the purpose of it was to trigger the emotions to clear out the old belief systems, to step forward and in the words of Ascended Master Serapis Bey... "stop pretending".
So what I am writing today with this article is to talk about the misconception that humanity has around crystals because what we've been witnessing, especially the past few days have seen people make contact with us and saying things that have triggered this article to be written because there are writings that indicate that humanity does not necessarily understand how the Light of Consciousness that is within crystals works.
Whilst it is not our role to provide the methodology that the human mind lusts for; This article is more to try and explain what is happening and to bring clarity for others as to what they are experiencing.
This Crystal doesn't feel right
A crystal containing the purity of light doesn't feel right.
At the Perth Conscious Living Expo earlier this month (Nov. 2017) we handed out small crystals to everyone that attended the performance with Monica McTaggart, Rachael Te Wano & myself. The same was done with those attending the sound temple performance so that they could participate and receive the quantum energies that were being channelled through and contained within the music. The day before (Thursday) saw all of the crystals be attuned to the purest consciousness of all and that is of God consciousness.
I gifted one of these crystals to a dear friend of mine on the Friday and she replies with... "This is not Amy, who is this?" and when I mentioned "God", she replied "Oh yes! I knew it felt different but wasn't sure". It is not the first time I've coded a crystal directly to "the one true God" and verified by other channels & scribes that they are able to connect directly to that consciousness.
Recently (this week) in a conversation with another friend at the beach, she was telling me about a conversation that she had been made aware of and that is the impact of what this God coded crystal was doing. One person mentioned that whilst they were at the expo they had been handed a crystal and it didn't feel right to them, it felt weird. That conversation revealed that the crystal was shining a light on to a darker aspect of self that would not have usually be seen. This experience is what Carl Jung has termed "the shadow" and that is the identification of an unconscious aspect of the personality which the conscious ego does not identify in itself.
It was revealed via the conversation how the consciousness of this crystal was working to bring the light to the darkness.
What we could very well be witnessing is the fear within the human of a direct connection with God. We know that God is not a being, it is consciousness, it is an energy, humans like everything to have a physical form but in this instance, it is not. Humanity has been revolving around electromagnetic energies for the past few thousand years and when a quantum-based energy is presented within its field, one that is completely unknown or even alien to the senses, a sense of fear surfaces. This quantum energy that is constantly interchanging is seen as a threat to the human ego because it is unable to be gauged, it is unable to be measured, it is unable to be identified and the response is either fight or flight.
The human mind in this instance is unable to identify what the senses are detecting and it is considered a non-pure energy, an evil energy or even a darker energy because the human mind doesn't recognise it and fear of the unknown is triggered. This then leads me to ponder, do humans really understand that the energy that they're so drawn too in crystals is the light and that light is pure source energy, pure God energy?
When the human has no reference point to what is being experienced can get very testing on the emotional and mental state. What is happening to me? What am I experiencing? This is scary and I can assure you that I have been going through this myself for the past few years. Walking a path that I know both Amy & I have planned together as Spirit Guide & Incarnate do, but at the human level, not knowing the direction can get very very daunting.
This experience could be related to a house that is old, creepy and we think it is haunted because it has that musty feel or dusty look. The moment something creaks, we think it is a ghost or something very scary and our senses are in overwhelm, getting ready to run. Many horror movies are based on this premise and having walked through Fremantle Arts Center, which is one of the haunted places in Fremantle, Western Australia. That place sure does have a very creepy vibe to it! The overwhelm om the emotional & mental state is present in this situation as well as the fear of the unknown surfaces.
Thus, in this specific 'case scenario' the feeling of the crystal not being right is because it is shining so bright that it is making everything visible and for the human mind, this is indeed very scary!
This crystal is not of my vibration
Has a person surpassed the vibration of the planet?
Another experience this week was having someone message me saying that the energy within a crystal wasn't pure, that the intent wasn't pure and that the vibration put into the crystal wasn't pure. When asked why they thought this, the response was that the crystal is different from the vibration that they are and what they are turning into.
During my own 'development' or 'awakening', if that is the label for it, the concept of crystals holding different vibrations was what everyone was talking about. This crystal operates at this frequency, this crystal operates at that frequency and so on and in fact, there is truth to this and when I began reading looking for a scientific term defining the vibration of a crystal, it got very scientific.
At the end of this article are a few links that support this article and talk about Phonons & Crystal Vibrations should you wish to look at the scientific information that describes this in detail.
I'm beginning to observe that people may have a simplified understanding of crystals, how they function, what they actually do and I understand this because my wisdom comes from years of development. I recall the very first time I bought a crystal, the words I said were. "I need a crystal to help me with grounding" and purchased my first piece of Black Tourmaline which was placed under my bed. My own journey into crystals went from never using them in my entire life apart from pretty diamonds on my rings to the creation of the Heart Activation Music.
Although, I do wonder if there could very well be a lot of manipulation when it comes to the metaphysical properties & understanding of what crystals can achieve. Marlene Swetlishoff, supported by Psychic Artist, Janine Keall, have been doing an exploration associated with the crystalline consciousness and have been providing very valuable information to the research into the Heart Activation Music.
Getting back on topic and talking about this case-scenario does provide evidence of not having a reference point of what they are experiencing. The vibration of the original creation of the planet is much higher than the current state of both humanity and the planet today. Many people talk about this and if you look at either Paige Hall-Ferraro, Rebecca Dawson, Jenny Schiltz or Méline Lafont's website, they all share the same message of raising the physical vibration of the human and the planet.
In the article The Planet's Engineer, there is a reference made that there is no difference between the construction of the planet and the crystalline energy of the humanoid vessel. In fact, this crystalline energy is beginning to emerge as the vessel of the human begins to emerge into the 'New Human Experience' thus the belief system that a crystal is a different vibration, that a vibration can be inserted into a crystal does cause concern because it has nothing to do with vibration but that of consciousness.
There are many statements that I've heard over the years which does indicate that there are some thwarted beliefs when it comes to how to work with crystals. Even these people that talk about "working with crystals in a new way" is using a marketing tool to grab attention because there is absolutely nothing new about how we work with crystals. Humanity is only beginning to awaken to the information that has always been there. This will be covered in another article.
To bring clarity to this case-scenario, this specific crystal holds light & consciousness. That light is shining on areas that need to be addressed. This then makes the human then do the inner work, look at their belief systems and so forth. This person who is not aware of what is happening at the quantum level or the bioenergetic level and is blaming the crystal because it is causing discomfort. The only reference point within the human mind is that it must be an unpure energy or it is not the same vibration when in fact, it is. The consciousness of this particular crystal is helping its owner of the crystal to prepare for what is to come in the future. Humanity really is afraid of looking into the darkness and doing the hard work and I do not blame them because it is tough work.
It is without that reference point within the psyche that the human mind blames others based on the limitation of understanding. This is an example of the human mind or the ego mind and can be seen throughout history.
The Light of Consciousness
What is actually happening with these crystals?
When looking at the two case-scenarios above, the consciousness of the crystal is shining "light" into the psyche of the human through the crystalline & bioenergy field. This is not just happening with the crystal that they hold, this is happening at the planetary level. What these examples are demonstrating is how everything is connected, that the Earth itself is bringing change into all life and as can be seen in the world around us, we are all fed up with how things are functioning and change is happening on a global scale.
The important thing to note about crystals is that as the planet changes, the consciousness of these crystals change and there is NO difference between a crystal and yourself. It is the exact same crystalline energy system and that is light and only light. Whether the light is dim or bright, there is no difference between anything. It is all unity.
Over the past two years, we have begun to see crystals emerging with personalities, they are helping many incarnates around the world with their abilities and even last night, discovered that they are being used as a portal for consciousness, much like the physical body can be used as a portal for consciousness. What we are witnessing is that multiple aspects of consciousness can reside in a crystal, a crystal can hold group consciousness and it is unlimited what is available. If the human and crystals are the same crystalline energy, then imagine what the human body is capable of doing?
The crystals, they speak, they are consciousness, there is no difference between them and you and a few years ago, I would've thought that was crazy talk but it is true. Look at them, talk to them, they are of assistance to you, whether they are providing an energetic burst within your system, shining the light on an aspect of the subconscious, helping you with your creations/healing/modalities and being a bridge to all aspects of the universe. They are there to help you.
Can you imagine what would happen if the crystalline core of the planet was shining brighter than what it has ever been? Would the planet that you call home be considered evil or is it showing you the path to the Light of Consciousness?
Links to read more about the science of crystal vibration
- Crystal Vibrations -
- Phonons and Crystal vibration -
- Phonons I: Crystal vibrations -
- Phonon -
- Marlene Swetlishoff -
- Psychic Art by Janine Keall -
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