Synthetic Beliefs & Artificial Consciousness
- By Steven North
- In Musings

I'm wanting to introduce a thought for people as I've been asking the questions as to what exactly is truth and is truth, truthful? Why do I pose this question? I've witnessed, I've observed and I've experienced the damage when something that is not truthful can do to one's life and the flow-on effects that it can have when others are spreading lies and mistruths for their own gain. Right now, around the world, we are witnessing the uproar in movements, irrelevant of whether they are deemed to be Marxist or not and it is forcing humanity to be far more vigilant with what we are experiencing, observing and being sucked in to.
What could be deemed as one person's truth does indeed have the potential to be based around 'artificial truth' and there has been quite a lot of thought and refinement gone into this when trying to understand the very nature of what it was that was seen and for myself trying to explain it. I've begun to use the term(s) "Synthetic Consciousness" & "Artificial Consciousness" but they both refer to the same thing. Artificial truth (not based on actual truth) is something that has been manufactured by a collective of humans. This is not connected with the artificial intelligence (AI) type of Synthetic/Artificial Consciousness.
What I'm referring to is where a soul is being troubled by an entanglement within a web of mistruth and it can be exceedingly difficult for one to see or tell exactly what the actual truth is. It can also be exceedingly difficult if one is embroiled in identity to see any form of truth. A person's identity, referred to as ego by Carl Jung, can distort what is perceived to be truth in a detrimental manner. It is with the use of the physical bodies systems, the consciousness that is within the cells is where one is able to differentiate what is artificial and what is not and this is quite an intriguing thing to get acquainted with. A term to describe this process is 'resonance' and you use the physical body to figure out.
The only trouble with resonance, as has been witnessed is that if one is entangled in an augmented reality (or electromagnetic spectrum) the information that could be deemed as their truth is not truthful at all. In an augmented reality, one can take a snippet of truth and manipulate it to satisfy their own agenda of belief, otherwise known as opinion. With the mental plane being so violent and volatile at the moment with the world events, it is incredibly challenging for the human to differentiate between what is and what is not a truthful reality.
What could be deemed as one person's truth does indeed have the potential to not be based on truth
This has been known for quite some time because even the Bible speaks of it this in the words of false prophets and there is one verse that makes absolute sense with what we've been witnessing over the years of experiencing, growing, learning and removing oneself from some sort of electromagnetic based manipulated indoctrination. The paragraph that I've witnessed is 2 Timony 4:3-4 which reads.
3ย For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.ย4ย They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
When we introduce the ideologies of teachers that are saying things that is itching in the ears of people, it can create such a discord with what is truth and what is truthful that if you have not experienced it, if you're not aware of it, to determine the difference is quite difficult and when new people are beginning their awakening, to absorb information from all over the internet in an orgy of opinions can be quite the obstacle. Many have come to me and said that they wish they discovered that this person wasn't authentic and having had an experience where you did believe a person was authentic, only to witness some years later that they're absorbed deeply in a form of identity, that what they presented to many as truth wasn't factual at all. Yet, when I asked about this said experience, it was to be able to differentiate between what is and what isn't genuine.
One thing to also be aware of when reading this article is the definition of whatย truthfulย is and that it is honest and is not based on a lie. Thus, if there is an artificial form of truth created then it is merely a lie. Thus, the paradox that is created is that if one is subscribed to a form of truth and it is not truth, how will they know? It can get incredibly stressful to understand what is real truth and what do we do to find it? Well, this is where we must ask ourselves, the inner self because we can't guide you to what is truth if one is not prepared to listen, we can only encourage that people begin to ask their own self, what is to themselves?
truthful. (truหฮธfสl ) adjective. If a person or their comments areย truthful, they are honest and do not tell any lies. Most religions teach you to beย truthful.
The following two examples are of various explorations as to how we can go about creating a belief structure that is perceived to be truth but is not truthful, how the mind can be entangled with it and how people can be tapped into this form of collective beliefs and how they grow.
Creating Belief Systems
The example that was given to me when looking to understand the nature of belief systems is what I call The Apple & The Orange scenario and this basic example demonstrates how this phenomena actually works. It is the same as to how collective belief systems are created and this is what I am referring to when I talk about Artificial Consciousness because it's been artificially created by human beliefs rather than based on what is truthful.
The Apple & The Orange
There is a collective understanding/agreement that an Apple tastes like an Apple and an Orange tastes like an Orange. Apple juice tastes like Apples and Orange juice tastes like Oranges. If we gave you a cup of Orange juice whilst blindfolded, you'll be able to determine that is indeed Orange juice. This is considered to be truth that is truthful. It is commonly accepted and in fact there could very well be a collective consciousness that an Apple tastes like an Apple and an Orange tastes like an Orange.

So what do you think would happen if someone managed to convince, let's say, a group of ten people that the Apple tastes like an Orange and the Orange tastes like an Apple?
If we are able to get this group to subscribe to the belief that this is so, then the belief that an Apple tastes like an Orange has been successfully created, this is what is known as a belief structure with the matrixes of belief and the more people that hook into this belief structure, the more potential for this this has to begin forming a collective belief. This can form a form of collective consciousness and to spread to people all over the world and this is dependant on the amount of people subscribe to this belief. Such as the panic buying of toilet paper is a great example of collective belief systems spreading all over the world.
One of the ways that these belief systems can be distributed is that is not always done at a conscious level, whilst this is also true in the form of having conversations with others, observing news & social media which is done so at the conscious level, there is also a lot that goes on unconscious. The way the mind system works is that there are thousands and thousands of cords that hook into different belief structures and we are not necessarily aware of them. There could be cords that hook into past or parallel lives, there could be cords connected into emotional experiences, traumatic experiences and then there are cords connected into collective belief systems. I came across my own experience of this in 2017 and it had to do with Cryptocurrency.
In 2017, there was a big push for BitCoin, there was a surge of 'BitCoin' experts doing seminars in Perth, Western Australia and on the 1th of December 2017, BitCoin reached an all time high of $19,783.06 USD. There were people posting pictures of their first BitCoin transaction in their business and the topic was everywhere. The craze was among us and I never really got into it. One of my friends got into BitCoin and he was telling me about how one developer was building a platform to allow you to pay your utility bills with BitCoin and I enjoyed listening to him talk about the growth of what is happening. Then there were the photos of BitCoin farms and even found one of my suppliers selling BitCoin farming server systems. Thus, the market for BitCoin was growing rapidly.
As mentioned above, I never really got into the Cryptocurrency, in fact, I've never had Cryptocurrency but what one day, when out on a hike with friends, I began feeling a compelling belief to go buy BitCoin. This was around the end of 2017. So there I am sitting with this feeling of wanting to buy into BitCoin and for the life of me, I could not understand why I was feeling this way and interrogated it some more. A lot of spiritual people that I've seen over the years would say that that was 'guidance' or 'a sign' to go buy BitCoin but I didn't act on it, I decided to go through this feeling to see what it was and what I discovered was a collective surge in the uptake of BitCoin. The guidance was to look into it and explore what this sensation was.
By going within to the sensation felt, I was able to see a collective belief system
To have this feeling and to develop the line of enquiry within, I was able to see a collective surge in collective belief of wanting to buy BitCoin as a bubble was growing, this was somewhere around September/October 2017 when looking at the calendar of events. I refused this sudden urge to buy Cryptocurrency and between the 6th of January to the 6th of February 2018, the price of bitcoin fell by 65 percent and subsequently all other cryptocurrencies crashed and by the September 2018, cryptocurrencies had collapsed by 80% in value.
I considered myself to be lucky to resist this 'urge' of buying into BitCoin was during the highest it has ever been. Today, (9th of August 2020) the cost of BitCoin is around $11,700 USD. Had I not interrogated this sensation of wanting to buy in, I would have been at a financial disadvantage and during the period of 2017, I was experiencing financial hardship and this would have been a disaster for me. Honestly, I thought it was strange because I didn't have the money to buy such a commodity.
As you can see in this experience, there was a collective uptake in the purchasing of BitCoin, it soared as so many people created this collective belief of the incredible value that BitCoin was, it was the next best thing and today, there's not a single person in Perth that holds seminars on BitCoin. It is the same with the bulk purchasing of toilet paper, there was a collective rush to buy it and we must get into a habit of questioning these beliefs and as to why you're getting them.

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