The Planet’s Engineer
I met Rebecca Dawson in May of 2015 and we sat by the Swan River in Perth, Western Australia and had the pleasure of having an amazing conversation. With the conversation going on for hours, with many revelations and many light bulk moments, I booked myself to see Rebecca that Friday. I was not aware of what I was getting myself into, my entire life changed that very day.
What you're about to read, I had no idea about at all. This was very new to me and the following years that followed left me in denial, trying to fit in, trying to be accepted, trying to be normal and it was a session with Jocelyn Joy Thomas just a few weeks ago when the Archangel Metatron mentioned that one of the issues within my psyche (as for all light workers) is that of pleasing others. That we need to please ourselves and not focus on that of others.
I've always been hesitant on releasing this information because of what is included, to be told that you are the engineer of this planet that we live on. Who would believe that! The last time I mentioned it to someone, the friendship ended and that fear of losing friends stayed around. So the whole mentality around this needed to change for me, this is what I've been working on right now, this is why I'm posting this article now (11/11/2017).
Enjoy the read, it is rather lengthy, take your time and brace yourself because everything you thought you knew will change. Just as my entire life did...
Rebecca Dawson with Serapis Bey, St Germain & Kuthumi
15 May 2015
Greetings to you or should we say, greetings to all of you because you surely have discovered by now blessed one that you do not walk alone and that there are many of you that are holding this consciousness that you would call yourself at this time.
We're going to explain to you a little bit about how you are functioning on this planet at this time and this one is very wise when they've said unto you to be mindful of the information that the information is only valid for a certain period of time, alright blessed one.
With that in mind, we're going to give you the context as to what is happening at the moment and the reason has been changing for you. The very mode in which you are able to appear on this planet and be on this planet is changing because of the vibrational frequency of this planet is changing. As you know, this planet is moving into a sphere of reality that it hasn't been in since its very inception and that is why that there are those like yourself and who you represent that are on this planet at this time because when you are going to completely reconstruct the dimensional reality of the planet, it is like creating a whole new planet in its entirety, only this is the first time that this has been done in this sector of the galaxy without the planet being completely destroyed in its physical third dimensional reality and then something material being produced again, understand?
An entire planet is under construction
So an entire planet is under construction and the new planetary structure has been sitting in parallel with the old one until the vibration frequency will allow them to merge and the population move over into it. Do you understand?
So when you're involved with the construction of a planet, it is rather a lot of energy involved, as you can imagine, so you, here at this time, the way in which your being here, the way you were manifested here is incrementally changing as the planet and the population move more into the newly constructed earth.
So what this one has been observing your energy field and the way in which you move because even in this moment when you're sitting with us, you're interchanging all the time. Because there is a group consciousness that you're representing, the group consciousness is interchanging in your body. When you first came to this planet, you came with one point of this consciousness, do you understand? There was one point of consciousness who was assigned to inhabit the body and so it inhabited the body as the body grew and evolved and then as the body reached maturity and it started the hormones that established the genetic patterns more clearly into the body, humans call this period of time puberty, do you understand? It was at this time that you begin to experience the interchange, that it to say that there were days that you were yourself and there were days when you were not yourself, do you understand? and that is to say that your human cell arrangement became rather adept at being able to accommodate more than one point of consciousness and so that there were days that you were feeling really magnified yes, and you can take on the world and other days that you were feeling extremely limited and frightened because what is happening is that the body is accommodating more, accommodating one point, accommodating more, accommodating one point and there was a period of about 11 or 12 years in your life when this was happening to you, do you understand? So that is why there are others around you that found it very difficult to adhere to you, they found it very difficult to get a gauge on you because the energy in you kept shifting. So it was very difficult for people to get to know you, or to want to know you, does this make sense?
The adolescent male was frightened of you
In many ways, they were frightened, there were those that were frightened of you, they were frightened of you because they could sense that the energy was shifting and they were frightened, particularly because the adolescent male on this planet likes to feel very established, it likes to feel like it owns something. So when the adolescent male comes across what looks to be a human being but the energy in it keeps changing and keeps shifting they feel very threatened by it, do you understand. So you can understand now some of the difficulties you experienced.
This period of time for you, for about 11 to 12 years eventually settled as at that settled, you moved back into the one representation of consciousness in your body, it was a fuller version of the one that you had at the beginning and that is when things began to settle a little bit but even then the magnititude of the group consciousness that you represent needed to have an audience that could hold the energy so that it could be distributed, so this is why, when you moved beyond your schooling years and moved into what you would call your 20's, there was a lot of activity and exercise around large crowds, large crowds with a lot of energy and working within big groups of people where there is a lot of energy. This was to help anchor and stabilise the magnitude of energy that you're bringing through the body. That is what made you feel most comfortable because the body had troubles holding it, it was easier to have many physical beings holding the energy. It's a little bit like having a giant balloon and you've only got one rope holding it down. If there are many points anchoring it, it keeps it steady. So you can start to understand why you have been attracted to some of the things that you have.
You've gone through another period where the energies are interchanging
And then what happened blessed one is in the last 2 to 3 years, you've gone through another period where the energies are interchanging, so there are days when you haven't felt like you at all, there have been days where the energy has been so great within you that it has shifted and lifted ancient patterns. There have been days when there has been so little energy in you that you feel like you don't want to interact with anybody else because of the group nature of whom you are, you have been interchanging, interchanging, interchanging, interchanging, interchanging. It is like a carousel, wherever the carousel stops is the energy that is residing in your body for the day. Except what is very important to be clear about is that all of these different aspects are still part of the one but they represent differently. So if you've been feeling like you've had many different personalities blessed one, let us just say there are many facets to your diamond and they've all been wanting a chance to represent through this.
So you've been going again, like you went through the puberty years, through this interchanging process. Only what is happening now blessed one, because of the vibrational frequency of the planet is really getting ready to shift the population, the majority of the population over on to the new earth, it means that your body is getting ready to encompass all of those facets in one place. So this is the acceleration, this is the quickening.
You are no longer an "I" that you are a "we"
The quickening is happening now, which means that you will be the group consciousness in one place and that is why you're becoming of these other aspects because they are part of the group that you represent. So we could no longer say that you are "you", we can say that you are a "they" and this is what you will be representing. So it is very important for you to be clear and this is what we are offering you on this day, this is why you're here, we are being very clear that you are no longer an "I" that you are a "we" and it is your role here to embody the "we" and this is what you'll be known for and this is what you'll be visible about and this is what people will come to seek your counsel on.
When you encompass the "we" you have shifted out of the Old Earth and you have shifted into the New Earth and you have shifted into the race of the New Human that can embody much more than a slither of a point of consciousness. So with your "we" you'll bring to the planet information, with your "we" you will activate the capacity of other vehicles for them to hold the consciousness of the group. Because if we're going to flood this planet with light, why not do it through the human form? Instead of one slither of light let's bring through an entire group and if the humanoid form on this planet was to function as a collective, as a "we", imagine how much light there will be on this planet.
That is what makes the city of light.
So the population is being flooded with light, the population is being flooded with group consciousness and this is what creates the shift in the population from the Old Earth into the New Earth and this is what you've been reading about with the cities of light. That is what makes the city of light.
You have questions for us?
Steven: Can I ask whom the group is?
The group is part of the complete soul community, we use the word soul because it is current with your representation in your mind of what it looks like, of the planetary system from where you hail. So it is really a representation of the entire culture and the entire city and this entire culture and city was responsible for the initiation and inception of the original Earth. So you know all about it, your group were the ones that constructed it to start with. Your ones were the ones that were responsible for the actual engineering, if you will, of the consciousness in the actual core of the crust on the planet, so this is why you are very drawn to the core and the crust of the planet because the engineering, the crystal engineering of the crust of the core of the planet.
So you're here now because you're coming to your original project but you're going to turn it up a bit now. Let's turn up the volume, let's take it into the new era, let's reactivate all of the hardware that is here, yes, yes! Let's reactivate everything that we already constructed so that it can actually be used in a more functional way. So it's about functionality and this is why you're going to be very interested in how the constructive engineering of the planet and the consciousness that you hold with you knows about that will also activate that within the human vehicle, do you understand? Because you also understand that there is no difference between the construction of a planet and the construction of a race on the planet, it is all the same, do you see? It is just the macro and the micro.
So the actual construction and the engineering was designed in such a way that when the human physical vehicle could resonate in a particular vibrational pitch, it would start to resonate with the constructional engineering of the planet. So that the cellular energy is no longer a product of or subject to the environmental system of the body. The cellular energy and the structural energy of the body will be dependent on the structural energy of the planet, does it make sense to you? Look at how the cluster of a crystal works, it takes one large core crystal to activate all the rest and they all resonate all in tune with the original one.
The planet is your original engineering feat
So that the planet is your original engineering feat and now we're now just tuning the humans so that they can all start to function as one unit. This is the end of the individual and the beginning of the collective movement. Which is what you are representing, agreed? That is why we say to you, it is time for you to refer to yourself as "we", you no longer represent yourself. Alright blessed one.
So this is why you will travel and you will be in many places on the planet and you will be reactivating places on the planet and then you will be reactivating the humans to line up with the places on the planet. This is the structural re-engineering of the planet, this is the structural reigniting of that potential of that crystalline energetic system within the body to line up with it. So the question is, how do you do that? You show up.
You are some of the greatest creators in this universe
Because we know that the human mind likes to find methodology yes? The human mind likes to find methodology on how to do this but how do you think you did it in the beginning blessed one? How do you construct a planet? You hold it in your consciousness and you direct consciousness towards it and something manifests there. It is all about intent, do you see? Because of the nature of your people and who you are, you are some of the greatest creators in this universe as you know it, you regard this space, you collectively come together and you hold the intent and something is created within it. That is the creationary process, that is how this planet was formed, do you see? There were many of you who are holding this space and directing intent in to it and so that consciousness formed. So how will you reignite it yes? In the same way.
It is not your role to produce methodology
It is not your role to produce methodology, it is your role to actually create within the space, which means that your presence here and your willingess to be the "we" and your willingness to hand it over and allow the body to go through all the changes that it needs to do to actually be able to embody the we and then be directed to go where you need to go and interact with humans in the way that you need to interact with humans, all of that is placing the consciousness in the space for that to occur. This is not a case for you having to know what you're doing until you get there. You're already doing it, do you not realise where this place that you have been is one of the largest access points for the crystalline core structure of the planet, that is why you are here but it has taken a LOOONG time for the vibrational pitch of the planet to be ready for that activation to occur.
So blessed one, this is your first place. This is where you will really start to observe, feel and know what you are doing and when you are clear about it here, you will be clear about it elsewhere.
This is not really about work for you, let us be clear because the construction on the planet has already been done. This is about being aware and present and clear in the reactivation process. That's what it is about and it it is about bringing awareness to it.
WEEE ARE HERE to reactivate what we built in the beginning. We are here for those who wish to know about this, we are here to help your bodies remember the initial construction and to start working with it again because the capacity is still there in the body, it just hasn't been used. Do you understand? It's been dormant.
What you think you know is just a scratch on the surface
So blessed one, what you think you know is just a scratch on the surface of what you will discover and it is all within you and your group consciousness. It will be useful to facilitate groups who are interested in their bodies to be able to experience the energies of the crystal structure of the planet. So this can be as simple as inviting people to a particular location or place and just facilitating that, you will know what to do when you will get there.
You are not of this planet, your consciousness is not of this planet
We must say this to you however, you are not of this planet, we will be very very clear with you about this. Your consciousness is not of this planet, your consciousness was involved with the creation of this planet, so you are imbued with this planet more than most other people because you created it but it doesn't mean that it was designed for you to walk upon. So it is very important that you are clear that you created this planet but you are not of it. Does it make sense to you?
Because there are a lot of construct and methodology and there is a lot of people that have worked with the planet for a very long time and they know the planet and they understand the planet and we are experts on the planet and we're telling you exactly how it is. Well they may be experts with living on the planet but nobody knows the planet like you do and that is why it is important to be very selective with what you choose to work with because the only Earth Workers that you will be advised to be working with are those who are interested in the knowledge about the origins of the structure of the planet. Do you understand?
You need not instruction on how to be human
Because there are a lot of experts walking around who are experts in being humans but no nothing about the engineering in the beginning. So please, we advise to you blessed one only invite those to work with you who are interesting not in what they know but in what you know. Does it make sense to you? You are not of that, you need not instruction on how to be human. You need not instruction on how to be on the planet, that is not what you are here for, do you understand? You are not here to adjust, you are not here to work it out, you are not here to live successfully as a human. You are here to invite those that call themselves Earth Workers to go beyond what they think they know and go back to what it is all really about.
So we're going to ask you to spend these next few months investigating with your group, what you know about the mapping of the earth, this is the first increment for you, the mapping. What you will find is that you will be invited, with your group, to remap what you know about the structure of this planet. It will be very advisable for you blessed one to record some of this because of what you will find is that within the next 5 to 8 years, your geoscientists are going to confirm what you have already said.
Alright blessed one, it will be an important confirmation for you.
What do humans fear the most? Change & Rejection
The pain you feel in your body is adjustment. What do humans fear the most? Change & Rejection because both of those mean death. Agree? So the pain you feel in your body, that is adjustment, that is the end of the old and the beginning of the new. We're going to ask you to de-personalise, you are not of this Earth, you made it tho. So the pain that you're feeling, the experience that you feel is propelling you out of the limitations of humanity and into the cosmos. So the rejection that you feel from not fitting with humanity is your invitation into something greater.
When you are clear that this is something that you created
When you are very clear that you did not come here to belong, when you are clear that this is something that you created, you will never know what rejection or loneliness is ever again. Because all the humans blessed one, have just been playing on something that you and your group created, do you see? So how could you feel rejected from playing with the humans?
You're not here to fit in, stop pretending!
Let us get very clear about the context, you're not here to fit in, you're not here to be anybody, you're here to show some Earth Workers what the planet really looks like, how it was created, so that they may wish to start to use it, because let us not underestimate as well the geothermal and geophysical capabilities of this planet that haven't even been explored yet. You have all of that knowledge within you, that is how you designed the planet. You designed the planet to be energy sustainable and efficient. The Earth has the properties to do that without touching anything on the surface.
You came here for the planet
Blessed one, don't worry about the humans! You came here for the planet, only those understand the significance and are dedicated to the understanding of this engineering feat, only those will be the ones drawn to work with you. Of course, there is still a lot you could do with the bodies but that's as simple as sitting next to someone inside a restaurant, it is just the presence that does it. But you will explore and there are those that like to put an identity on you and you will shed it and shrug it off and keep going with what you know.
Humans don't know about the race that created the planet
Your ideas about the planet and how it was constructed and what it was designed to do are going to be very useful reading for those who know. You see blessed one, even when it comes to an identity of a galactic origin it'll be very difficult for the humans to do that, they don't know about the race that created the planet, they only know about the races that seeded humanity here. That is a different kind of density altogether. Do you see why you are none of that but yet you created the space for all of that to occur? And you wonder why life here is frustrating and there will be even a time when you'll be wondering why you even want to bother with bodies and it is only because you want to see them come to their full capacity and work with the synergy of the planet but your care for humans and humanity, let us just say that your compassion and your regard will be held at a planetary level rather than at a human level.
You create worlds
Blessed one, you're moving into a time now where you're going to have a group manifest around you that will be the family that you've longed for, it will manifest around you, the more you have clarity around who you are, the more your needs will be accommodated here because what is it that you do best? You create worlds, if you can create an entire planet blessed one, we're quite sure you can create can create a human support around you as well.
You are the engineer
You are the creationary master here, you are the engineer. Life is not happening to you, life is happening through you! Be very clear!
We will say this to you as we have said, being rejected from something that is not your playground anyhow is perfectly appropriate, it is like the tiger wanting to go into the village and play with the children. Of course, they're going to run screaming, they only want to play with you if you can have a chain around your neck and be tied to something. Do you understand? They only want to play with you if they can master you but you are not to be mastered. You do not belong here, you may choose to visit from time to time but only if you're going to be regarded in all your splendour. Do you see?
The brutality of humanity has stunned you
The brutality of humanity has stunned you because your group was not anticipating that that would be the way that the Earth would go. So it has been a little bit intriguing and we will use the word intriguing because your kind do not put judgements on things, it has been a bit intriguing for you to come back here again and discover what is happening.
So let us go back to the potential of what you have created with this planet and reignite so that the Earth can come back into its full glory and so that humanity can join it.
We will also so this to you as well blessed one, the avenue of music has many activating capacities for what you are doing on the planet. That is something you may wish to explore alright blessed one. It is like the wind of the New Earth.
Do you have any more questions for us?
Steven: The only thing that comes to my mind is the former friendship that triggered this pain in the body?
Blessed one, that one came into your life to anchor you for some period of stability, that was at the point in which you actually decided that you might want to be here because before that, you weren't really sure whether you were going to stay or go. So that one was brought here to actually get you to agree to stay and so that is why the very nurturing, stabilising, earth kind of energy that made it feel safe to be here. That period of time was critical to the Earth's changeover, the period of time you were together and anchored here was when the changeover was occurring, so you were stabilised at that time. So there is much gratitude for that one who volunteered.
Blessed one, you now have more than you need to be stabilised here. You now embody the "we", the "we" has returned the planet in human form and you will continue to interchange, continue to interchange until the time comes in the next 3 to 4 years when you all converge into the one space, it is happening to you, that is what you are working towards now and then the magnitude of the energy in the one space will be impossible not to see. So we're looking at three to four years blessed one, three to four years of starting to elicit the information, starting to work with people, starting to be visible about what you know, starting to bring back the memory and within 3 to 4 years, you will be in your fullness and you will be an authority.
It is wise for to align yourself in the next 3 to 4 years when the opportunity arises with those who are the scientists to do with the planetary structure. That will be wise, do you understand?
Of course, you will be an authority on many subjects, you will be an authority on the resonance of the crystalline energy inside the body, you will be an authority on the efficiency of the energy stores in the humans Earth, you will be an authority on many things. Of course, you were instrumental in its construction! Do you understand?
Then you will go on and design another planet because that is what you do and you wonder why you like systems so much? Yes? Systems expert.
So are we clear?
We know who you are, we thank you for your assistance and we acknowledge your grand contribution to life in this part of the galaxy. Alright blessed one. Peace be with you.
Rebecca Dawson - The New Human Experience
What is the Paradigm Shift all about and what is the 5th Dimension? What is the New Earth and how has it affected the rhythm of the planet? How does your physical body change in this New Energy? What is happening to the chakras? What are the New Human capacities that are emerging during this time of transition? Why are the New Children so different? All of these questions and more are discussed and answered in this breakthrough work about the changes that humanity is experiencing as it transitions to a New Paradigm of awareness. Clear explanations, practical applications and revolutionary new concepts invite you to shift your view of the world, as you are guided through the changes that are happening with your physical body, your emotional experiences and your external reality. Get clear about what is happening and why, and get ready to rediscover your Self in the New Paradigm.
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