Thoughts with Archangel Metatron, Amy & Steven North
Good evening and we welcome to you to this communication in regards to the the planetary shifts that is happening at this moment in time and we want to assure you as well as remind you that you’ve all experienced this before, you’ve all experienced awakening before, you’ve all experienced the changes in consciousness and you do this every moment within every moment.
In this very moment, you experience this special day, this special day is one that you’re alive in this cosmic creation that has been provided for you, that you have decided to come to learn the great lessons that have been developed and many of you are mastering this and are getting prepared to teach, help and guide many people through this doorway that is opening up to everyone.
You see blessed ones, awakening is nothing new to you, consciousness is nothing new to you, working with it is nothing new to you, you do it every day of your life. You look at experiences of your own, you look at experiences of others and you begin to understand what these experiences represent and make changes in your life as you grow. How many times have you all said “We know now for next time”. This very moment that you come to this realisation, this very moment of “light bulb”, this very moment of “awakening” creates a ripple within your energy field, it creates a ripple within your thoughts and it extends out to the planet, it extends out to the person next to you, it extends out to anyone whom comes into contact with you and this ripple flows and flows and flows and helps the many. This is why that it is important to maintain the thoughts that you have, if one is constantly focusing or should we use the word “plagued” by incestuous negative thoughts, then this will have an impact as well. Having defined this effect, it is perfectly ok to have negative thoughts because you’re able to observe them with an open mind.
When we are working with these negative thoughts as an energy, we ask you to observe them, catch yourself out. This one, the one whom writes this message now, was watching every single thought and with practice, you begin to identify the frequencies of such thoughts, this is also how you’re able to have a clear energy field. The more you practice working with these belief systems, these thoughts, the more mastery you will gain over your own life. The greater the flow, the greater abundance, the greater love & happiness is felt and not just by you, but by everyone around you because you have an impact on them.
Guided Meditation on Clearing Thoughts
Let us have an experiment, for those of you whom are wanting to feel into this message, we invite you do so. You can call it a guided meditation but it is to work with the energy of thought and this will be felt by you. We will do this in dot point form, step by step and after every point, please take a deep breath as we want the mind to calm down, rest & relax.
- Begin by taking three deep breaths and image that you’re in space, think of the sound of space.
- You see a beautiful star coming close to you, as it comes closer to you, it gets brighter and brighter
- This bright star, emanating brightly, you embrace it and you become one with this star
- As you become this bright star, feel it, explore it, what do you sense?
- In this moment, we want you to have a thought, this thought is to be standing in space, looking at the planet, looking at the beautiful colours, the blues, the greens, the yellows.
- You’re a star in the sky that is looking at the Earth.
- Now think if your home, the place where you live, think of your family members & friends being in this home.
- Feel the love, peace & happiness as you enter the home as the bright star, the bright light. They hug you, they look at you with love in their eyes.
- You notice that everyone is a bright light as well and they all feel and share this love.
- Embrace this feeling, explore this feeling, feel this feeling.
- You notice that with all your family & friends in this place, the amount of light gets brighter and brighter as it now becomes a super cluster of stars in one place. This light is so bright, it extends so far out that the brightness does not end.
- Feel this love that is now radiating throughout everything, through everywhere, this light, this love. It’s in abundance and it’s for you.
- See the family members of light standing with you again, sharing this love with you.
- Sit in this moment for as long as you want and when you’re ready, in your own time, take three more breaths and relax.
When you find yourself worrying, stressing, having anxiety or trying to slow the mind down in order to gain clarity, do this little exercise again and it will help shift and polarise your thoughts into the loving energy & being that you are.
We thank you for this moment, we thank you for sharing it with you.
I AM Metatron with Steven & Amy North.